• Talking •

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Y/n s POV
I was walking inside looking for Laura I couldn't find her so I just went back outside but then she was talking to dad "Don't touch my pile" I herd my fathers voice I laughed at him and I herd Laura's voice "Y/n dear do you mind if we talk for a minute" Laura asked me I nodded "Ok I'll get a pot of tea on" she said walking up to me and into the house I flowed her "So tell me about yourself y/n" Laura said while getting the kettle out "Well as you know I am Tony's daughter I'm have powers and I am 25 but dad says I look like I'm 17 still" I laughed "What type of powers?" Laura said while getting all of the tea ready "We'll um telekinesis and energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing" I said to Laura "Well can you show me I am very interested" she said with I smile at her "Yeah sure" I said looking at some legos that Thor stepped on. I looked at them moving them with my hands as blue mist came out of them I flew the legos over to me and landing them on the table "Wow that's amazing how did you get them" she asked while getting the tea as it ringed "Funny story I was born with them some how and my dad helped me control them. They are also controlled by emotions if they get out of hand." I said while laughing at the end "So Steve is old but looks young, Thor is a god, Tony is iron man, Bruse is the hulk Nat is a assassin, Clint is the arrow guy and you have powers?" She asked making sure "Yep and I can do archery okay I fight really good but never as good as Nat a some points cause she has more experience" I said as Laura got tea in two cups "So do you have any hobbies" she asked "Yeah I like to draw I like to paint and I love to cook" I said while she brought the tea over here I thanked her "So I herd that you got shot in the stomach" Laura said while sitting down "Yeah I did just a day ago or so" I said holding my stomach "So Clint said that you guys were fighting this robot and you seem the smartest except Dr.Banner and you dad but how is that going" she said while taking a drink of her tea "Thank you, but It is something it's just like last year with Loki, Thors brother but this  is worse. This girl Wanda she went into everyone's mind and got our deepest fear and showed it to us. That's why Nat and bruse are so shaken up right now and I am kind of shaken up cause she took a painful memory that already happened to me and showed me it. So that's her but she had this brother they are twins his name is Pietro he is fast like really fast" I asked her she nodded signaling that she was listening "Ok so he is supper fast and Wanda is just like me it is weird cause I have never seen no one like that or I herd of no one like that with the same powers like me" I said and took a drink of my tea " so are you having a baby" I asked her "Yep Nathaniel" she said smiling "Yay I get to have three cousins" said with a smile Laura laughed "Well I hope we can talk more often y/n" Laura said I smiled at her "I hope we can as well" I said while finishing my tea and walking outside I seen Fury and dad talking Fury waved at me.

I look at him not knowing he was here I walked up to him "So did Hill send you?" I asked him he shook is head no and I laughed "Well ok I will talk to you later Fury" I said while going to the kids cause I wanted the bunny

I seen the kids. the girl was holding Spot and the boy was swinging "Cousin y/n here is Spot" said the girl I thanked her for the bunny and walked off with the bunny

-Time skip-

The sun was down and the moon was out Fury wanted to talk to us everyone I sat at a table and Fury spoke "Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time my contacts all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing" Fury spoke "What about Ultron him self" Cap asked "Oh he's easy to track he's everywhere they guy is multiple plying faster than a rabbit" Fury said as Clint walked over to us I looked at him and back at Fury as the bunny was in my hand "Still DOENT help us get an angle on any of his plans though" Fury said "Is he still going after our launch codes" Cap said "Yes he is but he's not making any headway" Fury said "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare" dad said I chuckled Nat looked at me and smiled "Well I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that" Fury said while he didn't look at any one "Nexus?" I asked "It's the world internet hub in Oslo every bite of data flows trough there faster access on earth" Banner said and I nodded "So what did they say" Clint asked "They said he is fixed on the missiles but the codes are constantly being charged" Director Fury said "By who" Dad asked and I herd a dart be thrown I looked back and seen dad looking at Clint "Parties unknown" fury said "Do we have a ally" Nat asked "Ultrons got a enemy that's not the same thing still I'd pay folding money to know who it is" Fury said "I might need to visit Oslo find our unknown" dad said I looked at the bunt and it was asleep "Well this is a good time boss but I was kind of hoping when I saw you you would have more than that" Natasha said I nodded in agreement "I do I have you guys. Back in the day I had eyes everywhere ears everywhere else you kids had all the tech you could dream up. Here we all are back on Earth with nothing but our selfs and Will to save the world and also y/n's bunny" Fury said while sitting down "Ultron said that the avengers are the only thing that between him and his mission and wather or not he admired it his mission is global destruction. All this in a grave. So stand.Outwit the platinum bastard" Fury said and sat that the table "Oh Steve doesn't like that talk.Right Steve." I said while looking at him "You know what Y/n" he said at me I smiled at him "So what does he want" Fury said "to become better" Steve said "Steve does yeah" I said with a smile "Ultron better than us" Steve said again I made my face in a 'o' shape "He keeps building body's" I said "Person body's" dad said "The human form is inefficient biology speaking we're outmoded but he keeps coining back to it" dad said as bruse was looking at the picture that my cousin painted for Nat "You and Bruse programed him to protect the human race,but oh my you failed" I said while being dramatic "They don't need to be protected. They need to evolve" bruse said "Ultrons going to evolve" bruse said "How?" Fury said " The Vibranium with Dr cho" i whispered "what" Dad asked "The vibranium! Dr.Cho the septer!" I yelled while getting up and putting the bunny on the table "This is supper bad" I said while pasting around "Hey it's ok" Dad said while holding me still and hugging me I side hugged him but I was so worried "Let's go and get dr. Cho" Bruse said and I ran as I went to go get my bag from the living room

We all said our goodbyes and we walked to the ship and flew away  


Oh my I have been gone for what 2 weeks right I am so sorry YALL but I am working on many chapters and I think I will do the M.o.M with Wanda

I'm sorry y'all but


Updates- I was so confused

The other witch (Wanda Maximoff x female reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang