The rest of the Pogues look at each other before nodding and beginning to walk up to the wall. "Let's get that wheat in the water." JJ looks at Pope, and Parker recognizes the look on his face as the one he gets when he's about to say something stupid.

"Weed? I'm up for weed." Parker grins at her brother, and Pope just sighs in exasperation. "Wheat. I said wheat." Parker quickly falls behind the group, coming up next to JJ with Sarah on her other side.

"Do you actually have a joint?" She inquires, and JJ shakes his head to the negative. They both frown, but as soon as Sarah wraps her arms around Parker's the taller blonde bounces right back. 

When they arrive at the wall, Parker gestures for the two other girls to go first, before whispering, "Hey, wanna see something cool?" To her twin. When he nods, she backs up for a running start and sprints at the wall.

With practiced ease, she clears it and manages to do a Spiderman pose before landing on the other side. Kiara just laughs, but Sarah can't help but blush at the casual show of athleticism. 

Parker gives her a concerned look, leaning in closer, which only proceeds to make Sarah even more flustered. When the Cameron girl silently waves off Parker's concerns, she receives a kiss on the cheek and the taller girl's hand slipped into her own. 

The group walks through the overgrown yard towards the Crain house. As they approach it, each of them gets a small smile on their faces in excitement for whats to come. Suddenly, a bright light turns on up near the house, causing the Pogues to panic. Each of them lets out some curses and they scramble to hide.

Parker yanks Sarah down next to her, breathing heavily. Everyone quickly shuts off their flashlights, holding their breath, hoping not to get caught. 

"Okay, so she has motion sensor lights." Pope states, causing Parker to give him a 'no shit' look. 

"We could, uh... more really slowly, maybe?" JJ offers, making Parker groan in frustration and incredulity. She looks over at Sarah, who looks concerned.

"What?" She questions, and Parker softly exclaims, "How the fuck are we related, Jayje?" JJ shrugs his shoulders, and Parker shakes her head at him.

John B glances over at them before quietly saying, "Oh shit. Let's throw a rock at it." Everyone, even JJ, looks at him as if he had lost his mind. "What?" Now it's Pope's turn to question his friend's ideas.

"That's a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we're here." Kiara grumbles, causing John B to look over at her frustratedly. "You have a better idea?" 

Meanwhile, Pope is muttering, "Throw a rock at it?" Under his breath, while Parker thinks about why she's friends with an idiot. She loves him though, as if he were her brother. 

"Literally anything but that," Parker supplies, making Kiara point at her in agreement. Finally, Sarah gets a valid idea. "What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch. We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it." 

"No," Parker instantly denies. "You're not going into the killer's house alone." 

"Watch me." Parker can't help but be attracted to the challenging way that Sarah had said those two words, but she also felt the worry that came with knowing Sarah would be going in no matter what. 

"Crain chops people into pieces." JJ helpfully supplies from where he is seated. Parker nods, but Sarah just rolls her eyes. "If you believe that, but she's like what, 85?" 

Parker thinks about it, realizing that Sarah was probably right. JJ seems to agree, muttering, "Yeah, somethin' like that." Sarah nods with satisfaction, finishing off with "She's probably barely still kicking." 

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