Start from the beginning

Sydney's view:

Judy comes into the bathroom.

I said, "Tommy's on the way. I didn't tell him. Judy I tried, but I couldn't get words out."

She said, "I'm glad he is on the way."

I said, "he's going to be mad at me. His mom doesn't have that kind of money. I should have never seen that dress. They wouldn't have seen it, if I didn't notice it was so soft."

Judy said, "This isn't your fault. You had no way of knowing that they would surprise you like this. Tom is not going to be mad at you."

I said, "his mom spent thousands of dollars that she needs for herself, on a wedding dress that will never happen. I guess I can take out a loan and get the money to pay her back."

She said, "Just talk to Tommy. This is his fault not yours. He is the one that came up with the fake engagement, and then asked you to not stop it, when he got the promotion."

I said, "Judy should I go back to the table."

She said, "no you need to stay in here. They will see something is wrong. You are crying, and they don't look like happy tears."

Tom called. I said, "It's Tommy."

I said, "Tommy." He said, "Sydney, I'm at the mall parking, can you tell me what restaurant."

I said, "Mi Cocina." He said, "I'll be there soon."

I said, "He's here, just parking." Judy said, "I'll stay with you until he gets here."

I said, "Thanks." She hugged me.

Tom texted that he was here, so Judy gave me a hug and said she will tell him I'll be out soon.

Judy went out.

Tom said, "Hey Judy is she ok?"

Judy said, "She's scared you will be mad at her."

Tom said, "Judy I could never be mad at her." She said, "I'll keep your mom and aunt busy talking, so that you two can go talk." Tom said, 'Thank you"

I came out. Before I could say anything, Tom took my hand and pulled me to him, and gave me a long hug. He said, "I was so scared. You scared the hell out of me. My mind went to the worst-case scenario."

I said, "I'm sorry." I started to cry. He said, "please don't cry. Just tell me what's upset you."

I said, "You're going to be mad. I'm so sorry."

Tom said, "Sydney please just tell me. I hate to see you so upset. I think I know what is wrong. And I could never be mad at you for that."

I said, "Tommy." I cried. He held me.

I said, "Can we leave and go to your car, so that no one overhears us."

Tom said, "Sure." He takes my hand and we leave.

He opens the passenger door for me, and I get in. He goes around. He gets in and faces me.

Tom said, "Sydney just talk to me. Whatever it is. I can't fix this for you, if you don't tell me what it is."

I said, "I don't think you can fix it. I messed up so big Tommy."

Tom said, 'It's ok. I'm not mad. I think I know what it is"

I said, "you do?"

Tom said, "yes, this has all been too much on you. I mean you just got out of the hospital, nearly died, and then are surprised with that wonderful engagement party, and we got all those gifts, I mean Sydney I know how upset it made you, it upset me to accept those gifts."

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