A line between a job and abuse

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"FUCK YOU LUCIFER!" The helpful demon could not be having a worse time in the cave.

Jagged walls and enclosed place. No fly.

Dusty air and humid temperature. No spell.

Sweaty and tired. No bitc-

Anyway. He had gone through so many different tunnels and hit so many dead ends that this stupid fucking cave inside an island had. He could not understand why this place existed.

Worst part he still didn't have the exact reason why he was down here in the first place. Belphagor barely explained, just to get this signed soon and no matter what.

The first part had already failed pretty much. But by Gai- y'know what no, God's name itself he would do whatever he needed to do. Because he was the helpful demon. And his wings were getting the worse pins and needles known to demonkind.

"Another empty room." The demon looked forward. "FUUUU-"

The demon quickly began attacking the ground with his foot. Little did he know he had just woken someone up from a very long nap.

Two large eyes flickered open from the walls, and soon the wall itself began collapsing revealing a large and long shape. First a head, then a neck, a body, wings and of course a tail. An entire building worth of a creature covered in a wall.

It would have been an absolutely terrifying entrance, if Y/n had actually noticed. He was still incredibly pissed off.

With no people around to see, he could just keep his patience thin and let looses when he needed to, instead of having to quite literally bite his tongue.

He could get his hair messy, not have to filter his words, stay comfortable. And that's what he did. Until he turned around of course.

"What he fu-" And the switch was flipped. Not a second passed as his clothes and hair became tidy and his award winning customer service smile appeared on his face. "Hello sir or ma'am! I have been sent here by Overseer Belphagor to retrieve a signature of who's I'm guessing is yours." He held out the scroll he was given carefully towards the legendary beast.

The dragon's eyes immediately narrowed towards the servant in a threatening manner as if it would pounce only. However instead it gave a boisterous and hearty laugh that shook the entire cave. His front claw slapped the ground in enjoyment. "A very nice change of scenery indeed." His voice was loud and confident, it had the aura of someone wise, like some sort of general.

The helpful demon was swimming in cold sweat up until he started laughing, this could've gone so much worse.

The Dragon quickly begins to calm itself down. It once again stares in the direction of the seemingly calm demon. "I've never known that insane woman to ever get a servant. And the smell of the other bitch emanates off of you! Does Lucifer own you then young one?" It raised its chin, as if to show its higher status.

"Slaves were banned a while ago in Pride, I do however work under her, yes." The non-slave demon said cautiously towards the mighty beast.

"Yet I bet she still treats you like one? Ha! I wouldn't take it too harshly, it could be worse." The Dragon barely shakes his head and a gust of wind hits the demon. "Anyway, I will not be agreeing to said contract, a small and insignificant thing such as you, making such an important deal? As if something such as I would take it. It's bad enough that I have to listen to that woman." The Dragon had only used the word woman twice but Y/n could already feel what the dragon's meaning with it actually was.

"I assure you that I was personally asked by Overseer Belpha-" He was not allowed to finish.

"And I assure you that even if she was here, I would be saying no. Just one more hour and the contract is over and I'm gone." The Dragon spoke happily. "And if you survive, I'll be getting rid of the person who forced me in here, I'll be sure it'll be quite the spectacle. Justice, The High Prosecutor, my most most worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!" He roared.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant