Shower For Two

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"Fuck. We're so late."

Y/N closed her phone as she and her best friend, Rachel, walked into her apartment. She threw her keys on the console table by the door and shuddered at her reflection in the foyer mirror.

Certainly not the impression she wanted to make on the date she was supposed to meet in 40 minutes across town.

"When are we supposed to be there?" Rachel asked, pulling her scarf and blazer off as she completely avoided her reflection.


"Yeah, we're not gonna make that, we both have to shower and change, and we all know that will take you two and a half hours to get ready — not to mention an extra fifteen minutes in which you will create an elaborate plan in case these guys end up being total freaks," Rachel jested, poking at Y/N's soft waist with her long fingernails.

"Oh shut up," the girl snapped and slapped at Rachel's hands. "I don't take that long. And besides, I already have the elaborate plan laid out. Let me just call Mark now and tell him we'll be a little late."

The blonde woman chuckled and headed towards the bathroom.

"Fine, I get the first shower," she taunted.

Y/N sighed and opened her phone to call Mark. After some charming flirtatious footwork, she was able to finagle Mark and his friend Stephan out of another hour of their evenings.

"Okay, we'll be there at nine-thirty, not a minute later," she smiled and hung up.

She checked her watch — three minutes till eight. With an hour long commute to the trendy village bar they were meeting the boys at, that only left 30 minutes to get ready. With a shrug, she set her phone down and walked toward the bathroom as she peeled off clothes.

When she opened the door, Rachel let out an awkward screech as she turned towards the wall of the shower.

"What are you doing?!" She screamed.

"I'm taking a shower." Y/N answered gaily as she unclipped her black lace bra and slipped out of her matching underwear.

She had to admit that tripping up the blonde woman was one of her favorite things to do. The two of them were in a good-natured war, always trying to outdo one another and seeing who would get the biggest reaction.

Y/N opened the glass shower door and stepped into the steamy enclosure. The blonde had turned around and was giving Y/N a nasty look while still trying to cover herself.

"Y/N, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Rachel questioned defiantly as the girl wet her generous hair under the shower head and grabbed the shampoo.

"I told you, I'm taking a shower. We don't have time to take separate ones, Rach. Just do your business and I'll do mine, and we'll both be out in ten minutes."

Rachel nearly growled with annoyance at this intruder who was her closest companion, but Y/N flipped her clean hair and poked the woman's waist.

"Oh come on, you prude, I've seen it before!"

The blonde's arms came down to push Y/N's hand away and she snorted in frustration.

"Fine," she said. "But I never agreed to this." Rachel grabbed the shampoo bottle from Υ/Ν and began washing her own blonde hair.

Y/N watched her defiant friend scrub away at the soft hair she had stroked so many times.

It was true, she had seen Rachel's body before, but something about this situation was different.

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