Taking Control

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Author's Note:

Hello readers and happy new year! I'm really sorry for the late update, but here it is. Enjoy reading!

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"The criteria for internal thermal and mechanical equilibrium are well known, they simply require uniformity in temperature and pr—" I jumped when my bedroom door suddenly swung open. 

Rachel appeared in my doorway and seemed to freeze when she saw me, as though she wasn't expecting to find me in my own room, her hand still on the door knob. Her jaw wrenched to her left as she looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed with what looked like dread. She looked from me to the ground and back again several times. 

I watched her nervously fuss with the hem on the bottom of her white tank top.

"Did you want something?" I asked as I raised my head from my textbook and knitted my own eyebrows as I examined her anxious form. 

Rachel shifted her weight from her left leg to her right and seemed to be studying the wood panels on the floor. Her toes scrunched against the floor inside her socks. 

She resembled a child trying to muster the courage to confess breaking something to its parents.

When she didn't answer me I sighed and returned to my textbook, still aware of her restless figure in the doorway. I tried not to look up at her when she slowly floated forward enough for her to slide the door closed behind her. She leaned back against the door, I could feel her eyes on me and I shifted slightly with uneasiness.

". . . criteria for thermal and mechanical equil—"

Rachel pushed herself from the door and paused for a moment before slowly walking towards the bed. The muscles in my neck strained as they fought to keep my head from following her advance. Her own eyes followed the progress of her feet, her fingers curled and straightened at her sides. 

There was something different in her walk, as if she were a new born doe doubting her ability to take the next step. The unexpected look of innocence tugged at something inside me and my hand twitched.

She slowed even more when she reached the foot of the bed, now swishing each foot in front of the opposite before taking the next step. Rachel moved to my side, her hands twisting in each other behind her back. She raised her left knee and placed it on the edge of my bed, inches away from my waist. 

My eyes travelled the distance from her knee, over the edge of her kneecap and the slight dip where it ended, up the smooth golden sand dune of her firm thigh to the crease where her thigh became her hip. I noted that her hot pants were a light blue. She stared at the book standing upright and open on my stomach and gulped. Her breathing was deep and the muscles in her neck seemed to tense with each new breath.

The shape of Rachel's right thigh sharpened as she placed her weight onto it and lifted herself onto the bed, lifting her left leg from the ground and extending it over my body. Her knee made contact with the bed in the curve my waist and her body centred over me. Her bright-blue cotton clad hips gradually descended onto my pelvis. The round of her pussy pushed into my pelvic bone and my hands immediately quivered. 

Determined to keep my focus, I clenched my jaw and stared intently at my book as if trying to pull the words off the page with my mind.

". . . mechanical equilibrium are well known. . ."

Rachel's thin fingers ran up and down in slow, transfixing lines on her upper thigh. I felt her gaze on me again as I watched her fingers move towards her inner thighs and her fingertips walked the remaining distance to lightly caress the material of my lingerie. I felt every hair on my body stand on end, sending sparks shooting through me. 

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