part 12:Life In Tempest

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Ren's eyes slowly open and shut again as she sits up and opens her eyes she sees she's in a decent sized room Ren let's out a yawn and looks out the window seeing that the sun isn't even up yet

Ren:this life has gotten so weird "your dad is basically a king making you and your brother Royalty as well Ren Sama" urgh.....  Oh let's not forget Princess Ren.... oh and let's also not forget "we simply must announce the existence of you both to the rest of the world it will be wonderful"..... Urgh what a pain

Annie:not enjoying yourself princess

Ren:please don't call me that and what are you doing in my head this early

Annie:I just thought you'd like to know that everythings been worked out you'll be seeing us next year at Hogwarts ok

Ren:cool thanks for the head up and for all the help

Annie:its no problem but back to my question are you not enjoying yourself... You've gone from being treated like a slave to being Royalty

Ren:I've been here for about five days and today will be my sixth day here and the amount of people that seem to worry about me oh Ren are you ok you seem a little small you both do here let's get you both something to eat.... Clothes, food... Not to mention they made sure this room was good I mean I had to talk to everyone here and introduce myself to them next is the people outside of Tempest....... It's's a lot to handle I'm pretty sure they found out about how little we actually got to eat and worked out a plan to make sure the food isn't to ..... *sigh* whatever it's just... Different

Annie:is it really a bad thing they care

Ren:no I guess not but like I said... It's different ...

After that neither Ren or Annie say a thing for a few minutes but Ren knows Annie is still there just waiting for Ren to say something

Ren:hey.... What happened to Dudley anyway

Annie:..... Mmm well since the Dursleys have not been found and are being considered possibly dead and no one wanted him he's been placed in a Orphanage....

Ren:I see.... Hey uh.... Thank you for the information

Annie seems to find ren's thanks amusing because she seems to be fighting the urge to laugh and she's not doing well it takes a minute but Annie finally replies

Annie:Ren you don't have to thank me now if you need anything well you know how to get ahold of me right if not then.... I'll see you next year take care ok

Annie cuts the connection as Ren looks up at her ceiling with a bored expression

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Ren has a determined look on her face as she narrows her eyes across from her is Ranga who looks ready the two stare each other down before

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Ren has a determined look on her face as she narrows her eyes across from her is Ranga who looks ready the two stare each other down before


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