Part 2:Hagird Arrives

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No pov:

Ren is a mini version of what the goddess had turned her into and has raised so much hell that harry is for the most part ignored not to say he hasn't been beat like Ren but if Rens around when they try then all hell breaks loose the twins are in their room as harry is trying to help Ren with her arm Vernon had attempted to break

Ren:that really hurts

Harry was going to be beat for burning dinner so Ren grabbed the pan off the stove and smacked her uncle with it resulting in a very angry Vernon who may have a concussion but it was worth it because harry didn't get beat he did get a smack from their aunt though

Harry:why did you do that

Ren:he was going to hurt you for something stupid harry you're my brother I can't just sit back and do nothing if someone threatens you

Harry pouts he knows Ren does this to try and protect him but he wishes that she would stop he doesn't know how she heals as fast as she does but maybe one day she won't be able to and then he'll be left alone at least this time nothing is broken

Ren:Harry are you ok she hit you pretty hard

Harry:he tried to break your arm I'm fine I'm just... Worried you're always doing stuff like this

Ren:well someone's got to look out for you

Ren gives Harry a smile

Harry:But what about you

Soon enough the two go to sleep and Ren opens her eyes seeing the goddess is here and is checking on her arm

Goddess:I am sorry this happened

Ren:it hurts but Harry's safe at least

Goddess:that's true but you should also worry about yourself

Ren: I know and thank you for healing me

the goddess looks at Ren before smiling at her

Goddess:you're welcome so ive noticed you've been trying to access your magic

Ren:yeah I have I've had a bit of luck I can move things but that's about it

Goddess:and the mental shields you've been trying to create

The goddess says this like a question bland instead of answering Ren just looks at her for a few minutes before the goddess let's out a sigh

Goddess:alright I guess that's fair I'll help you out with that until you've made them strong ok

Ren:thank you

Goddess:don't mention it now about you trying to access your magic

Ren:well I had thought that maybe if I could access it get it to do what I want I could use it as a

Goddess;threat to make the Dursleys leave you and harry alone

Ren:at least for a while

Ren let's out a yawn one thing about when the goddess comes to heal her she's always tired afterwards

Goddess:get some rest Ren

Ren:right see you

Goddess:hopefully next time you won't be hurt even if it's something minor like this

Ren:why I like it when you come to heal me

The goddess once more looks at Ren before sighing to herself

Goddess:... Maybe I should build a human body for myself

Timeskip 11 birthday

Ren lays on the cold ground watching Harry make two birthday cakes in the dirt a simple one for him and a big one for his sister who's always keeping him safe they were brought here because a bunch of letters started coming the house even got flooded with them it was actually kinda funny Ren is upset that the Dursleys didn't get a bunch of paper cuts

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