part 8:Ren Returns

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A person with blue hair quickly sits up having waken up from a strange dream

Person:that was.... Weird ...

The person brings their hand up to their face shaking their head

Person:that was.... That wasn't a dream... Was it

A voice echoes in this persons head

Voice:no it wasn't it I apologize there were memories locked away I thought that I could take a quick peak I didn't think that they would all come rushing out at once

Person:so.... I died in two lives... Before this one... And in one of them I had two kids.... I wonder they must be all grown up right

Voice:would you like for me to have a look

Person:y... Yes I would

A few moments pass by before the voice speaks again

Voice:they are both eleven years old it would appear that the older twin had a attempt on her life

The person jumps up to their feet ready to kill what tried to hurt their daughter sure it was a past life but still

Person:is she ok how could this happen they should have gone to Sirius and he wouldn't let anything happen to them so... What happened tell me

Voice:she appears to be fine from what I can tell the one know as Sirius black is currently in Azkaban seems he was framed for something he did not do the children went to their mother's sister

Person:GA NO NOT HER ANYONE BUT HER SHE'S HORRIBLE .... I can't leave this alone I'm ordering a meeting and getting my kids


Ren sits in a chair holding a cup of tea as Annie and her servants sit at the table with her

Ren:well we've got like....half a plan I'm not the biggest fan of that

Annie:we spent hours on this and each plan we came up with got holes shot into it....

Ren:jeez this sucks .... You know what I'm just gonna wing it

Ren stands up preparing to head to bed

Ren:I'm going to bed

Okita:shouldn't you eat something and then get ready for bed

Ren:maybe but I'm to tired to bother

A few days later

Harry sits up seeing Dumbledore enter the hospital wing and come over to him

Harry:why does he keep coming to see me Ron and Hermione haven't come to see me once... And he said they were ok... So why is he keeping them from seeing me

Dumbledore:harry my boy I wanted to see how you were doing I only have a short while before madam Pomfrey kicks me out so tell me harry.. How are you

Harry:I'm fine professor really I just want to leave the hospital wing

Dumbledore:yes well... I'm sure you only need a few more days and you'll be fine

Harry:I don't get it I'm fine now why can't I leave does he want me to feel alone

Dumbledore:harry... Was there anything you wanted to ask me about the stone and Quirrell

Harry:no sir I've already asked all the questions I have

Dumbledore:I see

Foot steps echo throughout the room

Dumbledore:well it would seem it's time for me to leave

Dumbledore quickly leaves as harry means back into the bed

Harry:I hate this


Ren and the others prepare to leave

Ren:ok let's do this

Time skip

Harry enters the great Hall everything goes quite as he goes over to the gryffindor table he is greater by his friends who hug him and say that they are sorry about Ren Harry doesn't say anything about this once Harry sits at the table as Dumbledore gets up to give a speech

Dumbledore:this year we've lost a good student she had just begun her education here at Hogwarts but due to Quirinus Quirrell she will never get to finish this education so for tonight let us remember Ren Pott-

The door opens as Ren enters

Ren:what's this about remembering me

Harry's eyes widen as he jumps up and runs to Ren hugging her

Harry where have you been

Ren:I'll tell you later

Ren hugs Harry back once the hug is over Harry hands Ren her wand

Ren:thanks for keeping this safe for me

Ren takes her wand as Harry smiles and nods

Harry:no problem

Ren looks around seeing the looks on everyone's faces and then Dumbledore who is smiling but it's clearly fake for just a moment he frowns at Ren but no one but Ren noticed it

Dumbledore:how is this possible this can't be she...... She survived... I'll have to play this carefully .... It would seem I underestimated you Ren


A group of people appear from out of nowhere around them goblins look at them in shock wondering who these people are

To be continued

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