Part 7:Quirrell's Death

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Harry enters a giant room seeing Quirrell standing in front of a mirror

Harry:that's... That's not Snape.... I thought Snape wanted the stone... But

Quirrell:here at last Potter

Harry:I... I wasn't expecting

Quirrell:yes how could you Snape seems more the type doesn't he but then next to him who could ever suspect poor s-s-stuttering professor quirrell

Harry:where's Ren

Harry never finding his sister came to the conclusion that someone must have taking her assuming that person to be Snape now he believes it to be quirrell

Quirrell:Ren Potter what's it matter where she is she'll die soon anyway



Quirrell turns his back to Harry as he looks into the mirror

Quirrell:how do I get you I see myself holding the stone but then how do I obtain it

Quirrell says his question out loud as Harry thinks about ways to stop him get the stone and then get Ren but suddenly a voice echoes Harry looks around not seeing anyone around

Voice:use the boy

Quirrell:Yes of course master

Quirrell turns towards Harry extendind his hand towards him


Harry slowly comes down the stairs and stands beside quirrell

Quirrell:what do you see boy

Harry looks into the mirror seeing himself put the stone in his pocket he feels it it's actually in his pocket now but more importantly right behind him is Ren glaring at quirrell

Quirrell:What is it what do you see

Harry:I... I see freedom

The voice echoes throughout the room once more

Voice:He lies


Harry takes a step back away from quirrell who is about to grab him but

Voice:let me speak to him

Quirrell:but master you are not strong enough

Voice:I have enough strength for this

Harry's scar begins to burn as quirrell  removed his turban revealing on the back of his head is Voldemort

Voldemort:ah Harry Potter

Harry:you're Voldemort

Voldemort:yes do you see what I've become having to drink the blood of a unicorn to sustain myself but it cannot give me a body but Harry it doesn't have to be this way join me together we can do great things imagine it you me and your sister we could bring your parents back we could change the world do you want to see your family again Harry We can make that happen and in return all I ask is for what's in your pocket


Voldemort:KILL HIM

Quirrell leaps towards Harry who tries to run away but Harry is knocked down and is now being choked Harry looks to the side seeing the stone it had flown out of his pocket when he was knocked down harry tries to reach it but he can't reach it he grabs quirrells wrist trying to get him off but he can't that's when quirrell's hands begin to smoke quirrell let's go shaking as his hand begins to turn into dust Harry quickly grabs the stone and gets up looking at quirrell

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