chapter 1

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Previously :-
After sometime they reached a mansion...

She looked the mansion at awe. It was twice bigger and spacious than the mansion she used to live.

It was in middle of nowhere...... Far from the city... Which was quiet suspicious for her...... After looking around she stepped into the mansion... The man took her to the living room and made her sit on the couch and introduced himself( an:- finally!!!) "I'm Lee joong ki... Frm now on you will live here and I'm your DAD " she nodded and was about to call him appa... But suddenly 4 boys entered the living room.... They looked at her and to Mr. Lee... He said " Boys she is your sister"..... The boys ran to him and asked.. " Dad is she our real sister? " "yeah.... The boys ran to her and hugged her and said "we will protect you princess " she hugged them back too.... That's where the story Start's........

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