Bad Feeling

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Last chapter was so fun to right tbfh. I wanted to show you all, this book can have some funny parts no matter how hard her life is.

Pretty short.

Cassie's POV:

Zayn's hand squeezes mine in reassurance, today we were going to find out the gender of the baby.

My mind was racing, my heart following its lead. My stomach churns, signaling something bad was coming.

But, why would it? I'm finally finding out the gender of my baby.

Zayn rubs my back reassuringly as the doctor gets ready to check. His eyebrows come together as he looks at my stomach, "What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks up at me, "I don't know if it's just me, but your stomach looks like it has gotten smaller."

My heart races, "Is that a bad thing?" Zayn asks, growing nervous, also.

"Well, it could mean a few things. The baby could've moved positions, or you were bloated last time I saw you."

I nod, feeling some relief wash over me. But, the feeing didn't fully go away.

It's okay, I reassure myself. We look up at the screen, only to see nothing.

The doctor looks surprised, "Maybe they aren't on all the way?"

He readjusts the things on my stomach, but we still see nothing. "What the fuck is happening?" I ask the doctor, his worried face staring at me.

My breathing picks up rapidly as Zayn asks the doctor, "What the fuck is wrong?"

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Collins." The doctor, apologizes.

I sit there confused, then it hits me. "Oh my god." I say, loud enough for them both to hear.

"My baby..." I start sobbing, uncontrollably.

"Cassie, it's best for you to stay calm in this situation..." He starts.

"My baby!" I scream, tears falling off my cheeks faster then they ever have.

How could this happen?

"Cassie, did you ever fall on your stomach, or drink alcohol during the past few weeks?"


I sit up, and look up the stairs as I realize Liam's no longer there. I hunch over, as I start feeling nauseous. My stomach lurches, as I lean over and puke.

Louis comes running back, and a gasp leaves his lips. "Cassie, oh my god! Are you okay?"

I feel puke fall from my mouth once more as Louis picks me up, "What the hell happened?"


"Him." I sob, starting to stand up.

"Him?" They ask in confusion.

I stand up and start walking towards the door, "Cassie, it isn't a good idea for you to stand up."

Zayn tries to grab my arm but I whip around, "Don't touch me!" I hiccup as more tears fall down my cheeks.

My baby is dead...

My legs start to wobble, uncontrollably. And before I know it, my whole body starts falling to the ground.


When things seem to get better, they don't for Cassie :(

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