Plus, he has a huge name here in his home country.

"Feel at home," he says, I nodded, bending down to take off my shoes. "Uh, you don't have to, it's alright."

"I don't want to be disrespectful," I replied, proceeding. I put my shoes on the side and walked inside the house with only socks on.

"Do you need anything? For your uh... personal..." he trails. "Um, I could uh just, borrow some of your clothes, I guess? No need to go out and buy me some, it's just for a night."

"I'll go and get you clothes and toiletries." I nodded and watched him enter his room.

I sighed, my head falling back on his couch.

Were there ghosts lingering in the museum? Maybe the land they built the building was a grave before and those souls, who haven't received proper burial and justice, decide to wander around the halls of the museum.

Maybe it's a ghost that talked to me?

Or maybe not?

I don't know. There is something in that man's voice. He doesn't seem a stranger to me. I feel like I know him.

I clutched my chest, feeling my heart getting heavy for no reason at all again. Why is that? Why am I experiencing this kind of pain?

Changing into the largest hoodie JK gave me, I sighed for the nth time. The man's unknown identity clouded my mind. I couldn't think of anything but his voice and his words.

What does he exactly mean he'll come back? And he'll come back for me? I didn't do any people wrong. I treated people I met with respect and kindness. I don't remember having a feud with anybody.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked slowly, and carefully. We're still seated in his living room.

I think he is concerned about what happened, I guess. Maybe he didn't want to show he was worried as he didn't want me to freak out as I was that close to making a scene.

And I feel embarrassed. So embarassed. I was just really scared, okay? How do you expect me to react when out of nowhere, I hear somebody speak to me, we were the only ones in the room at that time, surrounded by paintings only. Of course, I'd lose my mind. He's probably trying to keep it together so when I see him composed, I can calm down.

I told him my worry and how it felt... real. How the emotions the man has in his voice feel so real and moving. I even asked if there were reported ghosts in the area but he said no.

So that means, it came to me, as if it was planned. It's not a coincidence. It's meant for me. But my question remains.


"Do you know any more information about the last painting we looked at? The one I told you you looked like him? King Jungkook?" I asked, curiously.

He's taken aback by my question, he was not expecting it. "I wasn't lying when I told you you look like him because you are."

"Uh, not a lot. Aside from being a King of Hanyang, now Seoul during Joseon Dynasty, he's the husband of--"

"Queen Tzuyu." I finished his sentence.

"Queen Tzuyu, the one Katarina said I resemble." I continued. "So you know their history?"

"I researched. I couldn't sleep after Katarina showed me her painting, so I went and dug for more information about the Queen and found out about her history." her sorrowful history.

"She indeed died, though it isn't confirmed she jumped, many citizens believed she did."

"Do you as well?" he nods. "I do too, that's the first thought that came into my mind after I read that part. She's reported to be seen last going to the mountain."

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