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Being silenced is the thing I hated the most, I hate it when I get told to be silent, not to share any of my views due to this, due to that. Why they can't just tell me that I can never share any sentiment unless I am Queen.

The King and Queen of a Kingdom are the only ones accountable to answer whenever there is a meeting on-going between all the royalties, a Princess nor a Prince can not interfere with it, they can only do what they are told to do and that should be respected by everyone.

But how? But how can those few Princesses, I myself included can respect that when they're not even respecting us? Do they expect us to remain silent and calm and not share our opinions when clearly, it is important that we should know how these work as we are next to sit on the throne? They should be bringing us sometimes in the said meetings to brief us, to help us prepare not only having us attend school.

Standing quietly, I watch how they put the crown that has been resting for years until a decision is made, for it to be put on top of the Crown Prince's head.

Today was an important day.

It's the Coronation ceremony of the Crown Prince of the most influential Kingdom in Joseon.

It was 11 days after the wedding, and nine days after my coronation as a Queen of my own Kingdom. And today, as the Queen to his.

"May I present, your King and Queen," we stood next to each other, closely, because we are forced--because I was forced.

Chatters filled the place after the ceremony and almost all the royalties who were invited tried to talk with the King, trying to negotiate with him not only he was known as the most serious Prince in the days before his coronation, but he was also known as the hardest person to woo in the entire country of Goryeo. He's not easy to deceive, let alone backstabbing him. He has people in every land. He does live to his title as the most influential Prince in Goryeo, now King.

But not all royalties see him as their Kingdom's next ally, some see him as a foe. The one who will end their cruel dominion over their land. Their defeater.

Everyone's anticipating how the Prince is going to ask now he is King. Will he change the law? Will he become ruthless like how his image screams the word? What is he going to be like as the King?

Numerous questions run through everyone's minds. But to those who want nothing but to leave the throne empty of the most powerful Kingdom in Goryeo, they want him to fail. They want to watch him fail and give up the crown on his own and flee like a coward.

But as a person, not the Queen, not his Queen, as a person who looks up to his Kingdom, I doubt these people will lose their senses if they see him achieving more than his ancestors, his parents had achieved during their reign.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jihyo unnie asks, I gave him a small smile and a slight nod. "You know you can tell us if you're having problems," Sana smiles at me.

"I'm fine," I replied in a small voice. Carrying these extravagant clothes alone is already making me tired, what more if the event goes on 'till late at night?

Just then, two royalties walked to us, not just any royalties I meant, it was Jihyo unnie's fiancé and his friend, also the King's friend.

Dahyun turned stiff, eyes leaving the two men making their way to us. That's a wrong move, my friend. Your brother is right beside him, you should have controlled your emotions.

"Your Majesty," they bowed at me, I returned the same respect they gave me. "I apologize for interrupting but may I talk to my fiancée? It will not take long," he asks formally. It was too formal. We did speak to each other before but the way he's speaking to me, it's much different.

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