Chapter 13: Back To Black

Start from the beginning

They passed by people in nice clothing, skirts and dresses, purses, and suits, and all Bellamy could do was stare. Four nudged her arm. "First time, right?"

She just gave a nod. "I'm a little overwhelmed, honestly."

"It's always like that. It'll pass." He promised her.

They approached the Candor Hall, a large white stone building. Bellamy's eyes immediately locked onto a group of people dressed in black and her heart could've leapt right from her chest.

"We found them—" Four breathed out.

The crowd erupted in chaos when they locked onto the trio of people. Bellamy just hung back, apprehension on her face. Then, in the midst of it all, came Griff and Vi, pushing past people to get to her.

Her face lit up in relief at the sight of them. She hurried towards them and they almost all hugged. Coming to a stop, the trio of teenagers just looked at each other in shock.

"Holy shit, you're alive!" Bellamy blurted.

Griff just had his permanent smirk on his face. Glancing over at Vi, he had a smug look. "Told you she'd make it."

"Obviously," Vi breathed out. "She's too stubborn to die."

Vi had a sling around her arm, and looked a little worse for the wear, but then again, they all did. Bellamy just put her hands on both of their shoulders.

"Thank God. I wasn't sure you guys were going to get out."

"I wouldn't have, if Griff didn't come back for me." Vi admitted.

Before Bellamy could respond to that revelation from the dark-haired girl, someone had come up and pulled her into a hug. Bellamy froze, fight or flight instincts almost kicking in. She relaxed as soon as her fingers found the green piece of hair.


"I was so worried about you," Tori breathed out, eyes searching over Bellamy.

"I'm okay. I shot a few people though." Bellamy admitted with a small shrug. "I'm glad you're okay too."

Tori nodded, a tense look on her face. "Come on, we have to get you all inside."

Moments later, Bellamy was walking behind Four with Griff and Vi. "Is this everyone?" Bellamy asked, concern on her features.

"There's like—179—" Griff started.

"175." Vi corrected in a sharp tone.

"But we're the only ones to make it from our year. Everyone else is still with Eric." Griff added in a bitter tone.

"And...your families?" Bellamy asked, eyes flicking between the two of them.

All at once, they seemed to sober and she understood. She knew the feeling better than anyone else in the world.

"Shit. I'm sorry." Bellamy murmured in apology.

"It's okay," Vi croaked out. "We've got each other."

"Right." Griff added hollowly.

Just as they crossed into another room, she heard the click of a gun. Bellamy turned, gun immediately cocked in her hands. Her eyes fell on Four and Tris, both of whom had guns trained on them too.

"Drop your guns!" A Candor soldier commanded.

Bellamy just sneered. "How about you first?"

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