"I can say whatever I want to say out in public and I can't be arrested for it. So why should coaches and players be ejected for saying what they want?" Ace added.

"There's a difference between freedom of speech and being disrespectful. You do have the right to say what you feel. But if I said everything on my mind, we wouldn't be here right now," I said pointing between us.

Ace and I were sitting in the book store having arguments. He is a very insightful person when you get him to argue. I hadn't even realized the time until Charlotte text me.

Hope everything is okay with your mom. I understand if you don't want to work tomorrow, just let me know. Hugs & kisses!!:)

"Woah, it's almost midnight," I laughed.

"Seriously?" Ace chuckled.

"I better get freaking over time for this," I said under my breath.

Neither of us moved from our position at the counter.

"I didn't realize the time. I shouldn't have kept you this late," Ace apologized.

"Ha! It's not your fault. I just- a lot of things have been on my mind and you kept my mind off those things. It just- it felt good," I smiled.

"We better get going. We have school tomorrow," he suggested.

"Right, yeah," I agreed. I grabbed my back pack and keys to the store.

Ace walked across the store, over to the door and held it open for me. I walked outside and once he closed it, I locked it up.

"Thank you. For everything," I started.

"No problem," he smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," I said, waving. I turned around and walked to my car. Ace hopped on his motorcycle and waved to me over his shoulder, not looking back.

I visited my mom before I went to school the next morning. Doctors say she won't wake up for at least another day. Just something more to give me to worry about.

I pulled into my usual parking spot and reached for my bag at the passenger side. When I sat back up, Jason was at my door.

"Jesus, Jason. Don't do that," I laughed.

"Sorry, didn't realize you weren't paying attention," he smiled.

We walked into the building, his shoulder occasionally brushing mine.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tonight," he shrugged.

I frowned, "I would, but I'm tutoring tonight."

"You tutor?"

"Yeah, for Economics," I replied.

"Okay, that's cool. Tomorrow night?"

"I'm not exactly sure what my schedule is. I had a family emergency yesterday and it threw me off schedule," I explained, shutting my locker.

"Well how about you text me when you're free?" He suggested.

"That's fine. I just don't have your number."

"I'll get yours from Jade," he said.


"Yeah, her and I are partners in physics," he explained.

"Yeah, sounds good."

We parted ways. I was getting weird looks from everybody when I walked through the halls. I was confused.

Then Evan came up to me.

"Girl, you have a lot of explaining to do," he teased.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed.

"Well you should know. You were the one who did it," he replied.

"What did I do?" I demanded.

"Mia's face..." he said slowly.

"Who's Mia?" I asked confused.

"Ace's girlfriend. Phoenix are you okay?" He asked.

"Evan, just tell me what happened," I snapped.

"You attacked her. You beat her up for cheating with Ace," he explained.

"I don't even know who Mia is! When did this happen?" I wondered.

"Last night after she got off of work is what everybody is saying," he shrugged.

"I was working last night. I didn't get home till midnight," I whispered.

That's why everybody was staring. Somebody started the rumor that I had a fight with this Mia chick.

"So you're saying you didn't do this?" He questioned.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Just ask-" but I stopped myself. Mia thought I was cheating with Ace.

"Ask who?"

"I was going to say Jade but she left before I closed up at work," I lied.

"So nobody saw you last night?" Evan pestered.

We made it to homeroom. I walked in first and was welcomed by uncomfortable glares and whisperes.

"No, nobody saw me last night," I continued. I was digging myself a hole.

"Well then your in for some serious trouble," Evan laughed. He went to his seat in the back of class. I was stuck standing in the doorway.

"I knew there was something wrong with her."
"You saw her hit Ace. I'm not surprised she did it again."
"She just looks like a slut."
"Can you blame her? Ace is one hot piece of guy."
"Why is she just sitting there?"

I snapped out of my day dream and walked out of the classroom. Of course I've missed school days but I still keep up my grade. I just have Jade bring me my homework.

I walked all the way back to where I started. My car. I hopped in, turned up the music and drove away from the school. I needed some space alone for the day.

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