(Beast - in case you have forgotten that "stupid whore" is his sister.

Ethan - Why did the moon goddess have to give me a pussy for a wolf?

Beast - it hasn't exactly been good for me either...you have been hurting our beautiful mate for years and now she's gone...


Ethan - what are you talking about?)

He doesn't answer me, what the hell is he talking about? I am in my room with Tiffany and she is in between my legs getting ready to suck on my cock when I hear a strong wind I push Tiffany away and she lands on the floor with a thud.

Tiffany - what the hell babe?

I ignore her as I get up and zip up my pants before heading over to the window to look outside. Tiffany may have a good mouth and be good in bed but her voice is so annoying and she is dumb as fuck, that's why I only want her as my mistress, Roxette is a perfect fit to be my Luna as she is beautiful, smart and a strong fighter she will give me good pups I just wish she wasn't so stubborn and accepted her fate with me. When I get to the window I see that prick Ezra in his dragon form I guess he is leaving today...wait why is Roxette getting onto his back. How could she do this to me?!

(Beast - I can think of many reasons why.

Ethan - Shut up you mingy dog.)

He growls at me as I push back to the back of my mind, where does she think she is going? I rush out of my room and head for dads office. I storm into Dad's office to see he is sitting at his desk.

Alpha Jackson Black - Ethan what the hell are you doing?

Ethan - why is my mate leaving with that overgrown lizard?

Dad leans back in his chair.

Alpha Jackson Black - I permitted her to leave the pack, and that "overgrown lizard" has a name Ethan remember it's Ezra.

Ethan - I don't care what his name is, why is Roxette leaving with him?

Alpha Jackson Black - because Ethan, she wanted to and she wanted to be with Ezra that should have been clear to you yesterday when she kissed him in from it the pack and last night at the bonfire.

Ethan - grrrr I thought that was her being stubborn, she is my property!!.

Dad suddenly stands up and he looks mad not to mention that I can feel the anger from his aura and he slams his fists into the desk, Beast wants to submit but I am not backing down.

Alpha Jackson Black - that is enough Ethan!!, I didn't raise you this way all your life I always taught you to respect women. How in the world do you turn out this way, I've decided that if you want the title of Alpha you have to clean up your act until then you aren't gonna be Alpha.

WHAT?!! Are you fucking kidding me?!

Ethan - you can't do that it's my birthright to be the Alpha of this pack!!

Dad roars at me, I know I shouldn't but I growl back at him I won't show any weakness and I sure as hell won't let him take what's mine, I will let him think I am backing down and when he least suspects it I will kill him and take over the pack as the rightful Alpha. It is now just before dusk and my dad goes out to patrol the border at this time so it's the perfect time to take him out, Beast has been asking me to reconsider and do as my father asks me but it's too late for that now. After making sure no one was looking I sneak out following Father, I follow him for a few minutes before he stops and his voice calls out.

Alpha Jackson Black - you think I don't know you're following me, Ethan?

Satan fucking dam it!! So much for the element of surprise, he turns around as I come out from the tree I was hiding behind.

Alpha Jackson Black - don't do this Son.

Ethan - son? You rob me of my birthright, send my mate away with that lizard and goddess knows what else. You aren't standing in my way anyway.

I lunge at my father but he is quick to dodge me and keeps dodging me not fighting back I can feel my anger growing as I roar at him.

Ethan - fight back!!

Alpha Jackson Black - no son.

Ethan - then I will kill you.

With my claws, I strike but he blocks it and pushes me away. As I keep striking he keeps blocking and even has the nerve to keep asking me to stop, he finally makes a move a throws me to the ground pinning me down.

Alpha Jackson Black - that's enough son, you need to calm yourself down, you can't be Alpha this way.

I feel the rage going through my body that I don't even feel my hand raising up until it goes right into my father's chest and he gasps for air, I push my father roughly to the ground as his blood runs down my arm, without even thinking I rip out his bleeding heart then as it drops to tnr ground I suddenly feel guilt, sadness, and disgust at the pit of my stomach...the realization comes to me I just filled my father. Beast is whimpering at the death of our father and Alpha, I can feel the sadness from the pack and the warriors are coming closer. I can't and won't show any weakness or mercy anymore to anyone I will rule this pack my way.


Third person p.o.v

The Silver Moon Stone Pack we're in shock to find out that Ethan has murdered his own father and couldn't even mourn the loss of their beloved Alpha as the new Alpha Ethan Black makes everyone submit to him, making them bow their heads to him. Now Alpha Ethan got both his Beta and Gamma couples to come forward and pled themselves to him or die where they stand, of course, they had no choice in the matter since there were young pups and elderly to protect. Unknowing of what is happening back home Roxette and Ezra continue flying through the night continuing the search for Ezra's clan. Phoenix couldn't believe that the person he considered to his best friend could do something like this and he was worried about what Ethan would do to Roxette when she came back, he had to think of a way to keep her away from this until he can figure out what to do too since Phoenix knows that Ethan will probably try to look for Roxette, this no way Phoenix will let Ethan hurt his sister anymore.

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