i have an idea

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I have an idea for the next chapter.

(That idea is I wanna add more characters to flesh out the world but as unimaginative as I am I can't just think of a random character on the spot sooo i was hoping you all could submit your OCs and whichever ones have the most likes will get to be in my story and no it's not just in the next chapter it'll be in others but not every.)

[Submit the OC's here please.]
I'm gonna need their name, quirk, backstory and why they want to be a hero I'll let you know when I'll use them and why they want to be a hero.

If your not comfortable with sharing here you can dm me on discord


(Oh, and whoever wins, I will send my discord @ so that they can get updates on the story and / or early access to the next chapter)

(Oh, and if none get any likes, then I'll just SPIN THE WHEEL of names)


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