The Forgotten Spark

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Welcome to the Spider-Saga


"Kids wake up. We're going to be late for your doctor's appointment. Don't you want to see what your quirks are." a green haired woman named Inko whispers, peeking her head through her kids' bedroom door with her blond haired husband Toshinori both with smiles on their faces.

The siblings' eyes flew open, and they both spring from their bunk bed, Izuku was about to get out of bed when his sister Izumi interrupted him by jumping from the top bunk and sprinting after her parents. Izuku quickly chases after her.

"Izumi, wait up, I wanna see my quirk too." Izuku says before they were both stopped by his father.

"Hold it, kids, you still have to eat breakfast first." Toshinori says, dragging the twins towards the kitchen.

"Common, Daddy, I wanna see what my quirk is." Izumi whines while going limp, so it takes longer for her father to drag her to the kitchen.

"Mommy, what's for breakfast?" Izuku asks the green haired woman tailing them.

"Oh, I made the most delicious shiru. You'll love it." Inko responds with a sweet smile.

"I can't wait!" Izuku says, kicking his sister in the shins to get her back on her feet.

When they finally reached the kitchen, Toshinori laid out all the dishes, and they all sat down.

"So Izuku whos quirk do you think you'll get?" his mother asks, taking a bite of rice.

"I want your quirk, Mom." Inko's eyes widened in surprise.

"Why's that sweetheart?" she asks, tilting her head.

"Well think about it your quirk would be amazing for rescue operations like saving people from fall debris or getting them out of piled up rubble and even in combat situations you could use all of the objects around you to attack your opponent or multiple you also could float yourself above your enemy and drop onto them with a awesome kick!" he yells the last part, throwing a fist into the air, reverting his childish self and leaving his parents stunned.

"Uh, ok Izumi, what about you?" Inko asks, turning towards her daughter

"I uh, I want yours too, Mom." she answers with a confused smile, and her father smirks

"Is it because Izuku already gave a good answer?" he teased before taking a bite of rice.

"Mo." Izumi answers with her mouth full, trying to avoid the question

Once they were all done, the family finally made their way to the doctor's office.

In the car, Inko and Toshinori talked while the kids messed with each other.

"I gotta say I'm kind of jealous that the kids want your quirk instead of mine." Toshi says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You really want our kids to take on the burden of One for all." Inko asked, surprised.

"If it comes to that, yes, they are the perfect candidates for it." he says, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

They finally made their way to the doctor's office after a long wait.

"Good morning. I assume you're all here for the kids' quirk checkup." the doctor says, gesturing to the twins.

"Yes, this is Izumi and Izuku." Inko says, gesturing to her smiling kids.

"Alright, kids, come over here. I'll place my hands on your heads, and this screen to your right will tell you what your quirk is." The kids run up to him jumping up and down.

The Spider Saga Year 5 (Izuku Midoriya)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin