"How did you become a vigilante?"

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"I don't even know where to start, so much has happened." Izuku sighs before sitting on the couch in the middle of the room.

"How about you start on how you got those powers of yours." Torino replies, sitting next to his grandson.

"Oh right so 5 years ago my class had a field trip to Oscorp and during said field trip I was bitten by a genetically enhanced spider that gave me these powers and like a stupid kid I decided to fuck around with them I lied to uncle Ben about him dropping me off at the library instead I went to a wrestling match to test my strength after that was done and I was denied the prize money I let the thief that took the money get away saying that it wasn't my problem,  the same thief I let go killed uncle Ben."

"How did you become a vigilante?"

“Well I got Uncle ben killed by not stopping someone i could have. After that, i would save everyone else. I would protect those who couldn't protect themselves.”

Gran Torino sighs and sits down next to the boy “well at least you're doing better than your sister. All she does is gloat about how advanced her training is.”

Izuku chuckles before turning to the old hero. "I need your help, Grandpa."

"What do you need?"

"I'm trying to get into UA, and since vigilantes can't get in without a recommendation so I was wondering if you could give me that recommendation."

"Of course I will, but" He quickly zips upstairs and speeds back down in a yellow and white super suit. "You're gonna have to work for it first."

"What do you want me to do? fight you?" Izuku chuckles, crossing his arms.

"You catch on quick kid, there are ten months left until the UA exams start and until then you will have to try and best me, think you're up for the task."

"Hell yeah-" Before Izuku could think twice, he was met with foot to the face, knocking him out on impact.


Spider-Man and Gran Torino were patrolling the city, webbing up villains, and helping kids with bullies.

They were stopped at a cafe, one drinking coffee and the other drinking orange juice when Torino's scanner alerts them of a villain with electric based powers.

"Let's roll." Gran Torino says before taking a big sip of his coffee and running out the door. Izuku does the same but takes the extra time to leave a big tip.

When they arrive on the scene, Izuku saves any civilians close, while Gran Torino distracts the villain.

"Spider-Man, you done?" Torino asks, turning towards the teen.

"Almost one more." Spidey responds, pointing at a girl his age. The girl had brown hair and a permanent blush on her face.

Spider-Man leaps towards the girl dodging any bolts of lightning that come his way. He scoops her up off her feet and jumps up, avoiding another lightning bolt.

"You're doing a great job at distracting him, by the way!" Spider-Man quips landing on a nearby light post.

"You wanna switch out? This ain't easy!" Gran Torino shouts back.

Spider-Man dodges another lightning bolt and swings the girl over to the police perimeter where he dropped the others off at.

"Alright, you Electro knock off, let's dance." Spidey says, swinging over to a nearby sign.

"Electro ain't got shit on me, I can absorb all the energy around me, energy without limit!" The villain shouts, releasing an electrical discharge sending Gran Torino back.

The Spider Saga Year 5 (Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now