Chapter 3 : Unspoken Curse

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Riki, while never falling ahead of the beat, keeps his movements sharp and articulated. There's a sense of urgency in his dance when you notice his more complex footwork which leaves you struggling to keep up. Your gaze is constantly cast downward, trying to follow him to the best of your ability, but your efforts don't seem to appease the prince.

"Stop looking down," he sighs, bringing one hand to tilt your chin up so you're looking him straight in the eyes. "Just keep your eyes on me. The more you worry about your steps, the sloppier they become."

And just as you're told, you keep your gaze locked on the youngest prince. His eyes are dark; the shadows swimming behind his irises are so alluring as if they're trying to pull you into him to tell you something. The longer you stare, the more you get drawn into Riki. The only thing you can focus on is the young prince in front of you; so much so that you fail to notice the room rapidly darkening around you. The two of you are traveling about the dance floor effortlessly as if you have been dancing together all your life.

"There you are, Princess," Riki finally smiles and the shadows around you dissipate. He leans down and touches his forehead gently against yours. For the first time since you met him, a feeling of lightness blossoms in your chest in the presence of the young prince. "It's been so long since we've danced together like that."

"I thought I heard the sound of dancing." A new voice startles you away from Riki, but the young prince keeps a steady hand on the back of your waist, keeping you close to him. He shifts his stance to stand slightly in front of you, shielding you from the newcomer.

"What do you want, Jake?" Riki asks, his voice is terse.

"I mean no harm, Riki-ah," Jake responds calmly, raising both hands to show his truth. "I'm just curious to see if she's the one."

You take a deep breath in before finding the courage to peek around the youngest prince. When your eyes catch those of yet another handsome prince standing at the entryway of the room, his eyes light up in delight. Jake is around the same height as Sunoo, but his features are a mixture of Sunoo's and Riki's - pointed and sharp in certain places but also rounded and soft in others. His eyes are round and hold a soft warm gaze while his nose is tall with a rounded tip. Your eyes can't help but linger on his soft plump lips that stretch into a wide grin when he catches you staring at him. He sends you a quick wink that causes a new blaze of pink to flush on your cheeks and the tips of your ears.

"So we meet again, Princess," Jake greets with a small bow.

"I don't suppose you've come to dance with me as a test as well?" you question, finally stepping out from behind Riki.

"No," he shakes his head candidly, an easy smile curling at the corners of his lips. "I don't need a dance to recognize you."

"Then why are you here?" Sunoo asks which causes you to quirk an eyebrow. There was never really any heat packed into Sunoo's or Riki's tones when they spoke to Jake. But you can tell they are still weary of the newcomer which rings a few bells of concern in your head. Why are the princes themselves concerned about the others finding out about you?

"I figured since the Princess was reincarnated, she probably lost her memories from her past life," Jake reasons. "So I'd like to take her on a tour of the castle to reintroduce her to some of her favorite spots in her past life."

Something deep within your gut screams at you to leave. The situation doesn't seem right. There's no way you're the lost princess. If the universe truly fated you to be with the seven vampire princes, shouldn't you have remembered them by now? Shouldn't you have at least recognized your own home as they claim it to be?

"Why is everyone so convinced I'm the one?" you question aloud, drawing all three men's attention back to you.

"You don't feel it?" Jake questions, his eyebrows drawing together in confusion and his head tilting ever-so-slightly to the side.

"Feel what?" you ask, mimicking his motion and tilting your head as well.

"The connection," he clarifies. Your eyebrows pinch together, deep in thought, but you're reminded of the feeling that has been following you all these years. 

"The pull?" you echo, thinking back to all the times you've felt the invisible force from all the way across the river.

"We know this isn't the first time you've tried to visit the castle, petal. You've been venturing closer and closer for years. The closer you got each time, the stronger the connection became," Sunoo explains, almost as if he read your thoughts. But after hearing his words, now it's your turn to furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't understand," you shake your head softly. "If you've felt my presence all this time, and assuming I might be the lost princess, why didn't you just come to get me if we truly are fated to be together?"

"We can't leave the castle," Riki admits softly, almost as if he's ashamed by the fact.

"Why not? Is it because of the sunlight and the fact that you're all vampires?" you ask, genuinely curious.

"No, we can go into the sunlight just fine. Only low-level vampires burn in direct sunlight." Jake supplies an explanation with a soft chuckle. Unbeknownst to you, he finds your curious nature rather adorable.

"We can't leave the castle because we are bound by a curse," Sunoo finally concludes, his tone souring subtly.

"What curse?"

"That's a story for another time," Jake shakes his head softly. "Come with me, Princess. I'll take you on a tour of the castle in the meantime."

When you glance at the other two princes again, you notice their body language has softened. It seems as if the brief talk between the four of you has convinced Sunoo and Riki that they need not feel worried about leaving you in Jake's presence. You're still unsure why they were worried in the first place, but if they feel relaxed, perhaps you should too. Plus, you would be lying to say you aren't curious about exploring the rest of the castle.

"Shall we?" Jake offers you a hand with a gentle smile when he notices your growing willingness to go. He beams in delight when you accept his hand and quickly intertwines your fingers together just as Sunoo had done earlier.

"Don't make any hasty decisions," Riki warns just as the two of you near the exit of the room.

"I won't," Jake chimes without looking back.

"You know the final decision is Heeseung's to make," Sunoo adds as a warning. 

Who is Heeseung and why do the princes keep speaking so highly of him? 

♡ ♡ ♡

Here's Chapter 3! How are y'all liking this story so far? 

See you back here tomorrow for Chapter 4 💗


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