19|| To Speak My Name

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He says nothing as he rushes to my side, he examines every inch of me. The silence is practically bursting as I watch him take extra care of any touch he places on me, as if he does not wish to frighten me any further. But all I want is for him to be closer to me. To feel his warm comfort like a kindling fire.

"Ram..say.." My voice comes out hoarse, it feels as if someone is scraping stones against the inside of my throat.

He stills as he kneels in front of me so we are eye to eye. My body laying on its side as I study his features so close to me. The way his blue eyes are fixed on mine right now, observing every little detail, makes my heart clench.

"..you came..for me.." My words are hardly audible, but I notice the way his eyes soften and his hand reaches up to touch my face but immediately retracts it. How I wished he didn't.

"I will always find you, Ily." He speaks softly, and I catch the slightest glimpse of his eyes glazing with emotion before he quickly stands up.

With one swift motion, he lifts me into his arms and gently carries me out of the room. He's silent as he walks down the hall, the steps of his boots echoing off the smooth stone. I study him, the way his jaw is flexing, his eyes focused ahead of him in the calmest manner possible. I'm impressed. Just moments ago, he revealed the purest rage I've ever witnessed in a man, but now, he is as tranquil as water. Like two sides of a coin.

He snaps at a maid to open my door and she rushes to obey. He quickly strides in, lowering me onto his bed—his real bed carefully and slowly.

He stares down at me, the maid standing in the doorway waiting with her hand to her mouth in worry.

"She needs tending to. Now. Send for the healers! Her face is cut, and.." His eyes flick to me and I want to curl into myself and vanish. Please don't mention it.

"Yes, my Lord?" The woman inquires carefully and Ramsay seems at war with himself as I beg him with my eyes not to tell her what Roose did to me.

"Her throat. It's bruised. See to it's properly treated."

"Of course. I'll fetch the materials and healers at once."
I let out a soft sigh of relief and sink back into the cushion on the bed once she's gone. But Ramsay is staring at me as he leans over the bed.

His jaw muscles tick constantly as he remains silent and I slowly begin to slide my hand towards his when the healer and more servants come in.

He's about to shift away when I barely catch one of his fingers and stop him. "My lady?"

"Ss..stay.." I plead with a whisper. His jaw sets tight, but he comes closer regardless.

"Very well."

We stay in matched silence as the healers are tending to my wounds and seeing about my neck. My gaze roams over his worried features as his eyes shift constantly between me and to what the healer is doing, his leg is bouncing up and down.

Once more, I find myself staring at all of him in wonder. This man just killed his own father for my sake without a second thought—because he was hurting me. Like he did to my own father for hurting me.

His lips are tight as he waits impatiently, when finally his leg stops bouncing and I must have missed what the healer said.

"N-No. There's no where else she's been hurt." Ramsay declares, his voice is husky before his eyes find mine again. They flood me with an impossible warmth I want to chase until I'm wrapped up in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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