7| Merged

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"My lady I've called you hear so you may hear the news first hand and not from the other mouths that roam here."

I step around the long wooden table where Ramsay sits at the head of the table. A map laid out in front of him and a silver goblet in his right hand. My gaze flicks to the map before I look at him, he smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

Three other men are around him, one I recognize from back home at Castell.

"My lord?" I inquire with caution as I step up close but don't dare go up to him.

His smile falters slightly when he knows I'm not going up to him, but quickly plasters it on as he declares the information to me. "Yes! As of this morning—your house and mine have merged into one. You see, the tragic news about the accident concerning your father has traveled all over."

I stumble as I adjusted my dress and look at him confused, my brows furrowing.

"Accident, Lord?" I ask slowly, my eyes turning towards the messenger from my home curiously. The man who's name I misplace, looks over at me, and confirms with a nod. But he doesn't take his gaze off of me, so I shift uncomfortably, wishing I had gone to stand next to Ramsay now.

"I'm afraid Jonathan was tragically killed by a pack of wolves. I suppose he was celebrating a little too much after word of his victory. Drifted into the woods and was ripped apart ruthlessly. Isn't that so, Derrick?"

Bolton looks from me to watching the man who keeps staring at me, the man visibly swallows and looks away with tinted cheeks from embarrassment.

"Aye. Saw it with my own eyes, I did. Limb for limb."

My mouth drops slightly as my stomach twists into knots as I stare at Ramsay.

"What does this mean for me and my family? What's to become of us?" My hands tremble as I try to steady myself on the head of one of the wooden chairs. I couldn't bare to sit down after hearing this.

He had my father ripped apart by his dogs, I know it. It was his plan all along to become Lord of house Castell
as well. And here I believed he had given me a gift of revenge. I'm disgusted with myself and the fact that I had allowed the audacity to bring myself to think he was kind. His words from last night flutter by , "Don't assume to know the man before you, my lady."

So be it. I won't be fooled again. However clever he is.

Ramsay stares at my hands intensely before holding my gaze with him. "Oh, not to fret my Lady!" He stands up and moves around the table, stepping slowly up to me.

"You are to remain here and become my wife, there is no other option."

I do everything in my power to not narrow at his face. The allure of his presence still captured me, and I would rather die than to let this man know I thought he was attractive.

He steps closer, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as he leans in to whisper, "You are pleased with the news, are you not?"

It wasn't a question. It was a threat. He was demanding me to be pleased or else I'd probably be thrown to his dogs.

I smile, graciously and curtsy. "What a blessing from the gods, to become your wife my Lord. I vow to birth you many sons and bring you the greatest pleasure."

The other men cough and shift in their seats clearly uncomfortable by the whole exchange. Ramsay quickly dismisses the men and they are more than grateful to hurry on their way.

I'm about to leave when Ramsay grabs my hand and pulls me back until I am pressed against his chest. I lift my head slightly to look up at him, his eyes are narrowing at me.

"This is your true gift. I rid you of the nightmare that possessed your sleep each night. And in exchange, you become my wife where I promise to take care of you." He says in a low voice, his arm now around my waist and I ignore the flutters he was causing in my stomach.

"Don't assume I don't know your game, my Lord. This has been your plan all along since you found me in the woods."

His eyes flare as he tightens his hold on me and I wince at his roughness. "Oh, I do enjoy a woman who's so bold as to snap back at me. Tell me, did you know that man Derrick?"

I blink, drawing back slightly as I tilt my head to the side. "Derrick? The one from Castell?"

His jaw sets as he rolls his eyes, "Don't play a fool. He seemed quite taken with you."

His jealousy is clear as the morning sun cascading on his face. Whatever would he be jealous of? I've heard no confession of love, only an arrangement to make amends to house Castell.

"I vaguely remember him as one of my father's messenger. I didn't even remember his name until you announced it."

There was something else that I hadn't mentioned, that Derrick had once tried to court me, but I was worried he would kill him if I did. I hadn't seen him in months after I denied him.

Ramsay searches my eyes with his and I struggle to breathe when they look at my lips for a moment longer than necessary. Would he try kissing me? I wondered what it be like to be kissed by a man everyone deemed mad.

I can say, after what he did to my father—

"Your golden eyes often enchant the men around you, do they not? The way he looked at you is familiar. No doubt he tried to have you before. Am I wrong?"

The way he looked at you is familiar. Echoes in my head and I look away only to have him grip the bottom of my chin and pull me back.

His other arm keeps me firmly against him and the scent he had was possessing me, sending me into a frenzy.

"My Lord Ramsay. I ask that you kindly remove your hold on me."

"And what if I do not wish to?" He declares in a bold tone, his voice turning husky as he draws closer.

"Then I'm afraid you will do something you'll regret." I say barely audible.

He chuckles, "I told you not to assume you know the man before you, once already. And I hate repeating myself."

"When is the wedding?" I ask, throwing him off.

"Since you accepted my proposal, the merging must happen immediately. But I'll let you decide if you wish to marry me tonight or tomorrow morning."

"You didn't propose. You declared it." I insisted, flatly.

In all my life, I've never been shown love or been cherished by any man in my life. They only try to take.

I must have thought that out loud because Ramsay withdraws from me and glares down as if deep in thought.

"Remember what I say here and now. And refer to it often in the future whenever you have doubts." He begins, and turns to meet my eyes once more. His hands are relaxed behind his back now, "I will not take from you unless you give it freely. If somehow, I come to love you, I can say, that I will cherish you. Until then, my lady Ilyana—becoming my wife means you will be protected above all else, you will be respected and well taken care of. You and your family will never hunger or thirst for the rest of my days since we will be one."

One. One with him. For the rest of our days.

There was a time not long ago, I would have probably welcomed everything happening to me now, but I'm not sure of my feelings anymore.

Ramsay turns and takes a step closer so he's standing next to me now, "One more thing. I will destroy every man who tries to take you from me."

To Love a Beast |GOT Ramsay BoltonWhere stories live. Discover now