1| Running into Him

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He wasn't supposed to be here. So why was he here now? What did I do to deserve such a fate?

The gods surely hate me.

I can see his piercing blue eyes cross paths with mine through the lines of the trees. The forest was gray with its usual fog, dusted with snow and peeks of sun rays shining through. This was the first time I've ever seen him. Usually, I only saw him when he rode on his horse with his men. But this was the first time up close. One on one.

Ramsay Bolton.

The man people feared and loathed in their silence when they came across him. Now, he's feared ten fold ever since being declared a Bolton and no longer a bastard.

It seems my luck has grew thin this morning.

"You know I see you, girl. Why don't you reveal yourself to me?" He says in a peculiar gentle tone. No doubt his way of luring his prey out in the open. I wouldn't give into him so easily.

"I don't mind a game of hunt, though. I do quite enjoy them when they present themselves. And you look very enjoyable."  His eyes continue to hold mine and I feel a trickle of a pull towards him. I had to give him credit for being so charismatic, he knew how to make himself likable when it benefited him.

Which is precisely why I couldn't trust him.

This was the last day I was able to hunt for game. Winter was coming and the animals around had become scarce as it was. There was talk of dark things coming from the Wall, and that it was best to get as far south as south goes.

Like always, I was left alone. My House was torn apart by ruthless politics, and the men all gone to fight for another war.

"Your prey has already fled long ago, so why do you terry what must come to pass? Do you think you can outrun me? Shall we test your theory?"

Why is he so fixated on catching me? Did I do something wrong?

Aye. I remember now. This was HIS land, and I made the horrible mistake of stepping into it once the deer did. I was only following the trail of my food. And unfortunately, I had only one arrow left.

"Let me be, Lord Bolton! I only came for the meat."

Reasoning with him was a fools game. So why did I even bother? I can hear his faint chuckle through the pass of the trees and he smirks at me.

"Yes, you did. But as it so happens, girl, you're now standing on my land. And I cannot just let you go about and let you do as you please, now can I? Doesn't send a good message to the lads back home. So again, come out before I get you myself. And I can assure you... you don't want that."

I chew on my bottom lip, trying to figure out a way out of this, but alas, I come to no conclusion. Running would result in him throwing a dagger at me—and I knew he could throw far. Or shoot me with an arrow, or even worse... send his dogs after me.

"Since I have not stolen from you on your land and If I come to you, will you not hurt me?"

Ramsay's stare intensified as he looks me over, clearly thinking about what he should do. It wasn't ideal to give in to his demands like I swore I wouldn't. However, I grew tired and cold, and I didn't feel like playing any of his silly games.. The hems of my dress soaked in the snow from crouching far too long as it was.

But then, his words catch me off guard. "If you come to me right now, I give you my word and swear on my father's name— no harm will befall on you."

If one knew how this man worked, it's he took things quite literal. So I immediately dropped my bow and arrow and stepped out of the tree line and cautiously made my way to him. Each step, my heart pounded louder and louder in my ears. This was a dangerous man, and here I was giving myself away to him freely with the trust of my life.

His smile fades once I draw closer and he gets a better look at my appearance. His eyes drag slowly over my small frame and long, wavy dark hair. Something dances within his eyes as he stares longer than necessary. Was it interest? Amusement? Excitement he found a new toy to play with? Reading him was close to impossible, but I wasn't naive when it came to a man's desires.

With a swift movement and a whip of his dark cloak, he bows causing me to take a small step back in surprise. "Where are my manners? I am Ramsay Bolton, the warden of the North. And you are?"

He's bowing to me? Does he already know I'm of noble birth?

"I-Ilyana Castell. Daughter of Lord Johnathon Castell."

There's no surprise in his expression as he remains mysterious with a wide smile. So he did know. "My lady. A surprise to see a woman out hunting, especially a lady of Castell. Are there no men to bring food to your table? No husband? Surely House Castell has a few to spare?"

I shake my head at him slowly in silence. It was not common to see a woman doing a man's work. And a lady at that. But he knew all too well why there weren't any men about hunting— all of the men were under his control, he sent them off to the war.

Or at least his father gave the order and he followed through with it. He knew of my situation, so why act so coy?

"A lady of what exactly? I couldn't call myself that without guilt after my people left? Surely you know the reason why the women are about doing man's work? Or shall I remind you, My Lord?"

I curtsy, never taking my eyes off Ramsay as he lets out a chuckle. "Amusing, when I find one so bold to snap back at me. And a beautiful lady such as yourself. Come now, away from the cold and into the pleasure of my company."

Ramsay paused and drops his attention to my dress as he clicked his tongue, "No, this won't do. We need to change your clothes."

"Remove it."

My eyes widen, "W-What? Take it off, here? Now?"

He sighed, "Yes. It's for your protection if you're to come under my castle."

"How will it matter if they know my name?"

"My lady, you will have a new house name in no time, it won't matter."

I furrow my brows at him, "A new one?"

He suddenly takes out a knife and commands me to stay still, "I will cut it out then."

His gloved hand gripped onto the front of my dress, and yanked me closer to him. With a smirk, he utters a quick 'pardon me' before slashing the fabric off and tosses it on the ground; where he proceeds to bury it by shoveling snow with his boot.

"Some don't take kindly to the White Stag, Lady Ilyana. Some think they're cowards, or thieves."

"We're not thieves." I retort.

His hand was still holding the front of my dress as his eyes land on mine. "Really? Tell me, why was it you were on my land again? Oh, that's right! Hunting!"

My face turns sour as he barks out a hearty laugh. "I think they'll like you in Winterfell."

He turns away after to mount his black horse before offering out a hand to me. My chest now revealing my undergarments, I cover myself feeling humiliated and ashamed. I let the man I hated from afar, destroy something from my home twice now. Ramsay's jaw tightens as he looks straight ahead with impatience.

"My lady, I will have a new dress sent for you once we arrive. Come."

If it was Ramsay, he hated waiting on others, so I took it without hesitation and he placed me on the horse in front of him. Before taking off, he removed his cloak and wrapped it around me in a warm embrace. I could smell his scent through the fabric and hated that I welcomed it as if it was home. It smelled like the forest and warm cider.

"We're going to have fun, you and I."


(Okay, I should say I have a Iwan Rheon problem, not Ramsay. But I also enjoy his character. I'll stop talking lol)

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