➶ Forever Yours ❥

Start from the beginning

Picking up the clothes from the floor from their last night session, his cheeks screaming red. Dropping them in the washing basket. He sat down at the edge of the bed. Just when his mind started dwelling in the thought of the other male, his stomach growled out of hunger.

Taehyung glared at his tummy, he didn't want to leave the room, the bedroom filled with the trueblood's smoky scent, providing him security and keeping his omega at peace. The male knew as soon as he left the room, his emotions would get the best of him, sending his omega into a turmoil of being left alone.

He sighed, he needed to put something in his hungry tummy quickly. And then he would cuddle with his lover's pillow on his side of bed as much as he wanted.

His alpha must have cooked something before he left as he usually did and the thought brought a tiny smile over his lips as he hurriedly skipped on his steps toward the kitchen.

Only to miss the last third step, his heart coming in his throat as he fell forward, only to catch himself on his hands, his knees brushing against the cold floor. The male cursed, taking in a few seconds to compose himself and calm down his raging heart.

His orbs filled with tears, his wrist and knees hurting. But Taehyung shook his head, not wanting to let an incident ruin his whole day. He walked toward the kitchen, carefully. (Very carefully).

The omega's stomach bounced with the thought of food, his alpha had cooked as he had done many times but even after what felt like an eternity he couldn't find any ceramic stuffed with freshly cooked pancakes or filled with strawberry shake. No fresh chopped fruits in any bowl from the kitchen.

Taehyung's heart broke. He blinked his eyes alot furiously and forced a smile on his lips.
-Alpha must be in a hurry, don't be so lazy Taehyung. You know how to cook.

He thought, nodding to himself. And even though all his appetite had died down deep into his stomach, he couldn't skip any meal from the day. Brain refreshed with the memories of the upset Jungkook when he had skipped his breakfast a month ago.

The male opened the refrigerator in search of something edible, his sight welcoming the eggs. He could do that. The omega took two of them out, as he broke them in the bowl and threw a few spices and black pepper before whisking it hurriedly.

The male put the pan on the stove, picking up the bowl of the egg batter with an annoyed expression on his face wanting to get done with all of this and return to their bedroom- His safe place.

But as he poured the batter slowly into the pan, a few droplets of butter flew in the air, his skin meeting with the hotness, not enough to burn but more than enough to make him hiss and flinch, the bowl in his hand falling on the floor.

The male rubbed his hand, blowing over the spot as the heat died down and Taehyung's shoulder slumped downward when saw the cleaned floor now dirty with the batter.

Groaning deep in his throat, he cursed. The smell was already filling the kitchen and Taehyung never wanted to be surrounded with such a disgusting smell in the absence of his alpha because he knew his omega would be stressed.

The male carefully stepped away from the mess, picking up the essentials to clean the kitchen, deciding on ignoring how he trembled or how his sight turned blurry from time to time, causing the warm water in his eyes.

Another half an hour went in vain as Taehyung cleaned the floor. His stomach growling dangerously, he needed food and he was hungry but there was nobody to make him food and feed him and he didn't want to make something.

Taehyung's head throbbed from hunger and all the mess had happened in the past two hours only, his knees and wrist still hurting.

The omega reached for his phone stuffed in his pocket, to call his alpha, who would do something and fix everything that had turned wrong. Jungkook would keep his omega at peace and would calm down his raging heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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