Until The Dawn

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Today, after my morning tea and chatting with Wonwoo, I ground myself in the library, finally looking for the art books I needed

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Today, after my morning tea and chatting with Wonwoo, I ground myself in the library, finally looking for the art books I needed. So far, I've been able to bullshit my way around with Minghao, but he is going to ask for more complex and deep stuff. Also, I truly needed to make sure of what different painting techniques this world possesses. Even if Minghao is kinda recluse and a man of few words, he definitely is genuine in his reactions and overall a good person. That's why I'm making all those efforts.

Indeed, being in his good grace is a crucial part of my plan or, as I like to call it, the F1 Ferrari Masterplan. As the name suggests, it is inspired by the Formula 1 Ferrari teams known for their multiple strategies plans. Which is exactly what I have put in place. My survival in this place is the first part of the masterplan and the most important. I need to escape my predicted death at the hands of my harem, once I'm sure to have passed that part of the story then I can focus on searching a way to go back to my world if this doesn't happen automatically at my successful death avoiding. That would be the second part of the masterplan.

Now, back to our big first part. Plan A, which seems to be the most in line with the story, is gaining the affection of the men. If they like me, they won't try to kill me logically. Now this is slightly complicated as there is thirteen of them and I haven't even met them all. So this plan A even has a sub-plan. Should I seduce them all? Only a majority? The most important and influential one? See, this is quite complex.

Of course, if Plan A is too difficult, there is a Plan B, but this is kind of a last resort plan or to use in kind of emergency or impending death. Running away. Simple as that, but there will be no going back. The possible outcome and consequences out of this would destroy the flow of the story completely and maybe make me unable to go back. So it should only be used to preserve my life.

Well, you got it now. And so as my eyes skimmed over the numerous shelves for the books, my steps led me to one of the small areas with tables and chairs put around the large library. I was immediately taken aback by the presence of someone else. It was a young man sitting at a table near the window. He had cat-like eyes focused in the book in front of him, his nose scrunched every once in a while as he read some complex words. His lips twitched against the tip of his index finger he had on his bottom lip. The confused expression, along as his features, made me squeal.

" Holy shit, irl, cat boy! "

This immediately made him perk up and look at me at the sound of my voice while I clamped my hands to my mouth in panic. The young man seemed alert as he watched me with widened eyes and parted lips, leaving no sounds. We were both frozen as we didn't dare to say anything other than watch the other warily. Taking a good look at him, I noticed he was dressed elegantly in clothes befitting of royalty, and on his vest, there was a brooch of the eastern empire of Savalon Taking this into account, despite the lack of a crown on his raven hair, this man was Junhui! Now, this isn't the time to falter.
Taking hesitant steps toward him, I tried to seem nonchalant and apologetic.

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