Music and Mayhem (Milly's pov)

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This year has been a really chaotic one to say the least. Not even two months ago I met my partner in crime, Jake Sterling. I've had a lot of best friends; Zander, Hailey, Elliot, Luke, and of course Sean; but Jake is probably the first one I've ever met who has a lot in common with me. Most of my friends are a lot more mature than I am. Especially the music club. I just personally think I have more personality; but Zander thinks I'm just annoying. Which is funny because that's what he thinks of Jake most of the time. I guess Zander and Hailey weren't very friendly with Jake a while ago, apparently his friend bullied them and even Luke a lot during middle school and Jake caught onto it in during Highschool,  I never really understood how Jake, Jake Sterling out of EVERYONE could be mean to them. Especially Zander and Hailey. Like they're so nice. Well, I hadn't understood until about a week or two ago when Jake got caught bad mouthing me and the rest of the music club. Turns out he got manipulated by his so called "friends" to say that stuff about us... But it's okay because we worked it out and everything okay now! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention; Jake is brothers with my crush Elliot. Phew, that was a lot to say. 

Well anyways, we just finished Rosemeadow's yearly student music competition! We won actaually! I played the guitar, Zander played piano, Sean produced our song and added additional sounds, Luke played the drums, and Jake and Hailey sung! It's always a treat to get to hear Hailey sing; let alone sing with Jake! They're the best singers I know to be honest. Anyways, while we were playing *Starlight* I saw Elliot in the crowd. He was sitting with Ms. Sterling and Milo, Jake and Milo's younger brother.

I'm about to go talk to him actually, he's standing with Sadie and Stacy, they're some girls my age who are in the gardening club with him! They're both pretty sweet, I don't know Sadie that well though and I don't think I've even met Stacy besides from the stuff I've heard about her... and her mom..

Elliot looks over to me with a warm smile. He looks happy to see me.

"Hey, Milly! Come over here!" He said softly

"Coming!!" I shouted

Elliot is definitely one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and that's coming from someone whose best friends are Sean Everett and Luke Peterson; so he's without a doubt an absolute angel. 

As I started towards him I saw Jake, Hailey, Sean, and Daisy. They were all standing in a circle talking; I think Jake was about to ask Daisy out. 

I don't know how Jake hasn't caught on the fact Hailey really liked him. I could think of 680 reasons why is obvious by now. 

Once I finally reached Elliot I overheard a few girls from my class talking to eachother about Zoey. For a little bit of background here; Zoey Arlt is one of Jake's old friend ex. She also is a huge brat. She has all these people wrapped around her finger, and she's always starting fights for no reason. I hate her, and she hates me. 

On the topic of Zoey, a few weeks ago she found my diary; I left it in the P.E. Locker room andZoey being the snake she is read the whole book; and even tore out the page I wrote about Elliot. Jake black mailed her though and made a deal with her to not tell anyone if Jake didn't tell anyone about her cheating on dr-...

Jake told Drew about Zoey cheating when they were fighting..

I take it Zoey isn't with Drew anymore..

Zoey still remembers what I wrote in my diary..

And Jake has nothing on her to keep her mouth shut..

Oh no.

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