Greatfull for the Gossip (Elliot's pov)

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A/N: sorry this took so long peeps, I've been procrastinating more then Rosy recently😔

(Continuation from part three)

Im not one to get caught up in drama, and let alone support it but I don't know think you could say I wasn't well... relived about Zoey's post? I don't know. I guess I was just glad the reason Milly wasn't talking to me was because she liked me and not... the opposite-

It kind of confuses me on why she's been avoiding me today though. Wasn't it obvious I loved her too? I mean I deliver her flowers everyday and Jake knew I liked her. With Milly being like a platonic sister to him I would've thought he'd try to hook us up by now. Nah, actually Jakes probably too busy trying to find a way to hook himself up with Hailey haha. Well anyways, I was going to try my hardest to talk to Milly today. I've been wanting to tell her how I felt for a while and even though this isn't at all how I thought it would go; at least it's better then what Luke and Zander had to go through before they confessed their love for each other... poor Stacy.

I zoned out thinking about the post for the rest of class, so it came to no surprise fourth and fifth period went by so quickly. All though, I wish they hadn't. Because when I was on my way to the gardening club I locked eyes with Milly in the hall way. We just stood there for a few seconds, staring at each other. It was like it was just me and her were the only people in the world for a moment, and I didn't mind.

I wanted to just tell Milly everything right there, how I felt, that I liked her back, that she shouldn't be embarrassed about the rumor, that I gave her those flowers because I loved her, that I've had a crush on her for years, that I wasn't ashamed of her, that I loved her. But I couldn't find the strength to do it, and when my heart wanted to say a million things my head wouldn't let me. We walked away from each other and went our separate ways like we were strangers to each other. As if we were never supposed to meet. Two humans who crossed paths and were never seen again.

I felt so weird once I made it to the gardening club to be honest. No one was there but Stacy and Sadie. Daisy was with the music club in the library because she wanted to help them find out what to do with the club until the next competition which is in December. So I just ended up walking into the green house and standing there next to the Magic Star Lilies.

Stacy glanced over to me with a smug look on her face.

"Soo... you plan on asking Milly out, Mr. Flower man?" She teased

"W-what?!" I say, drifting back into reality

"Elliot be for real here! You've been head over heels for Milly since what? 8th grade? I went to middle school with you too, ya know."

She wasn't wrong. I had liked Milly for quite some time now

"I guess so.. I don't know though, Milly hasn't talked to me all day. I locked eyes with her in the hallway a few minutes ago and couldn't even muster the words to tell her I felt the same way; let alone be able to ask her out on a d-date or something"

God. I sounded just like Jake. He'd liked daisy since they met, and for a while they could've dated. That is until Daisy stopped liking Jake because she thought Hailey was better for him. Honestly I respect that about Daisy. She's a good matchmaker haha

"Elliot, y'know it's a lot easier to tell someone how you truly feel than to just run away from your feelings. And there's not even a chance of you being rejected. We both know damn well Milly and you love each other very much. So what's holding you back?"

Stacy looked at me with a warm smile. She meant what she said; and she was right too. I knew Milly and I both had feelings for each other. I needed to find Milly, and make things right.

Stacy watched me leave the greenhouse quickly. As I dash out I text milly

"Meet me at the rooftop"

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