Bible Verses That Helped Me In Times Of Defeat

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Bible verses that inspired me in times of defeat …..
God has mercy upon me, according to his loving kindness, according to the multitude of His tender mercies, he blots out my transgressions. He washes me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanses me from my sin.(Psalm 51.1.2) 
Come to me all you labor and are heavy loaden and I shall give you rest. “take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls .(Matthew 11.28.29)
  We should know the testing of our faith shall produce patience, but we should let patience have its perfect work that we may be perfect and complete without lack of nothing.(James 1.5.6)
God doesn’t condemn me because he has justified me, Jesus doesn’t condemn me because He is seated at the right hand of god pleading for me in intercession
I do not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth, this then is how I know that I belong to the truth, and how I set my heart at rest in his presence whenever my heart condemns me. For God is greater than my heart, and he knows everything. (1 John 3.18.20)

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