Gene Depressed 2.0

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Gene depressed 2.0
We are accustomed to inhaling daily toxins of life
Whilst we transcend and exhale fragments of our being
How has it become normal to feel pain and anguish?
How has it become normal to be psychotic and narcissistic?
For darns sake!
How has it plainly become normal for the girl child to fall pregnant before the age of 10?
She’s constantly mutilated and violated by the one she calls her hero
And left in a flood of confusion transfused misapprehensions
Of her diluted thoughts of self-doubt and suicidal dreams
That always seems to leave her blaming herself
Don’t even get me started on the reeking drug havens
Found within the dingy alleys of the ghetto
Swelling with teenage drunkards,
Taking after their pre-colonized fathers
Who fight for superiority as a sport?

Our generation fake smiles
In order to feel numb to the pain
Taking less pressure on being respectful and honest
Brushing away our valuable values and cultures
Just so we can disrupt status quo
Is this transient cause temporary?
Or is it because that’s what we want?
To always feel the surge of being numb and inoperative?
If so, I wonder why?

We purposefully abolish all forms of comfort
Shutting the world and its distinctive nature away
Heaping our thoughts and hearts with immeasurable futile endings
Repeating and replaying them over and over again
As we envy the complete opposite design to reduce our feelings under absolute deposition
We renounce our vows
Embodied of chaos and destruction

We revel in depression
We embrace depression
We wear depression
We feel depression
We blend within the depressed
Yet with no mind at all
We never question it ….

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