
How can I say no?!



As me and Kita walk to the cafeteria, I could feel the stares and whispers on us. Although Kita seems to not notice nor care. We find an empty table and sit. I don't know what to say so I just take a bite of my egg sandwich.

"Soooo what music ya like!" Kita asks, breaking the silence between us.

"Oh, anything really. But my favorite genres are rock, metal and pop punk. That kinda stuff."

Don't judge me.

"Really? I love rock too! What's your favorite bands?

"Hmm, Dashboard Confessional, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Avenged Sevenfold, and Blink 182. That type of stuff."

"You listen to Avenged Sevenfold and Blink 182 too? That's awesome! You have good taste Y/N!"

"O-Ohh uhh... is that so? To think you would listen to Avenged Sevenfold is pretty surprising."

"Really? Why's that?"

Kita tilts her head and puts her hand on her chin, looking at me like a curious dog. How am I suppose to answer this? To think a cute girl like her would listen to AVENGED SEVENFOLD? This is a dream come true.

"W-Well... you see, you look like a girl that listens to jpop based on your sociable nature. I can't see you listening to metal."

"I mean I love jpop as well, but I'm in a band after all so of course I love rock and metal! I just love talking to people!"

Wait wait wait wait, did she say she's in a BAND?!

What are the odds of me finding a musician in my class? And not to mention a girl that's my type too!

"You... you're in a band?! What instrument do you play?"

I quickly stand up and lean in towards her. She seems a little startled, but smiles cheerfully.

"I'm a guitarist in the band called Kessoku Band. Do you play an instrument? You in a band too?"

My gaze looks away from her as I give a deep sigh.

"Well... you see... I have a guitar. But the truth is I can't play at all, like I'm really bad. I've always wanted to be in a band, so I find it pretty cool that you're in a band... Can I ask you a question?"

"Aw, it's okay to suck. But sure, what's up?"

What am I saying? She won't teach me. We just met... but this is probably going to be my only chance to learn guitar from someone. And I want to be part of a band too... maybe this could be the start of something between me and her. All I have to do is ask, but what if she says no? I would lose a friend I just made.

Enough overthinking! Just do it!

"Kita, can you teach me how to play guitar. My dream is to become a professional guitarist and be a part of a band. And to find out you play too and are in a band is awesome. If you don't want to, I understand, you only met me, so it makes sense. I just want a friend that has that loves the same things I love."

Wow, I actually said it. Why am I saying all this to her? She's just gonna think I'm weird. Forgive me.

"Y/N, do you want to be a part of our band?"


"I was in your position not too long ago. I didn't know how to play guitar, so I ended up running away from Kessoku Band. I really only joined because I wanted to get closer with my senpai.

The Two Introverts (Bocchi X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now