"Who was that person you were talking to?" Ayane asked.

"Takashi Sakurai a friend I know who would constantly get me in trouble when I go with him." Kyu replied before turning left.

"I see."

Kyu then stopped at a hero fighting some villains in the area. Kyu gets off the bike before pulling out his DecaDriver.

"What are you doing? That's Kamui woods!" Ayane yelled.

"Just doing what I'm supposed to do and that is to judge this world." Kyu replied before slapping the driver on his waist as the belt formed. Kyu takes out the Decade card before inserting it into his belt.



Kyu walked to the fight calmly as he transformed into Decade. Kyu grabs the RideBooker and turns it into its gun form before firing at the pro hero.

Kamui Woods was penetrated by the bullets as bleeds. Turning to look at the culprit he saw the magenta vigilante with his gun out.

"You're the Vigilante!" Kamui yelled out shocking the people nearby.

"Why are you attacking me!" Kamui yelled but Decade aimed his gun again.

"No reason I'm merely testing you." Decade said before he redirected his gun at the villains before shooting them.

"No!" Kamui Woods yelled as he was too late the villain were all shot in the head before they lie down on the ground in their pool of their own blood.

Kamui Woods stared in horror at the lifeless body of the villains. The civilians watching nearby were scared of the vigilante.

"Why?! Why would you do this?!" Kamui Woods asked.

"If you capture them and put them behind bars would they learn from their mistakes?" Decade asked turning to Kamui Woods.

"These are human beings you can't just kill them!" Kamui Woods said.

"You didn't answer my question then that means you fail."

Decade turns his gun into a sword before rushing to Kamui woods and slashing him in the chest and stabbing him in the gut.

"Try and get this into your head! If you put them in prison they won't learn anything they'll merely go back into their own ways once again!"

Decade pulls out his sword from the pro hero before he punches him and sends him crashing into a building.

Decade turn to look at the civilians watching and saw there was a news reporter broadcasting the fight. Decade smirks before he saw the person he wants to meet.

"I AM HERE!!!"

A voice shouted causing the civilian to smile before he landed on the ground. Decade's smirks widened before he grabs out a card.

 Decade's smirks widened before he grabs out a card

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