Chapter Two

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>Louis' P.O.V<

I never could sleep through the entire night without waking up in a cold sweat or a scream.  So it was unusual when I sat straight up with a fast beating heart and my gown sticking to my body uncomfortably.  I really shouldn't have started my nap while Harry was present in the room, asking me an off-limits question.  I wasn't really tired then but I had forced myself to rest in the sake of the tension in the room and the looming need to socialize with my new roommate.

I had my own suspicions on Harry's condition but I didn't want to probe him anymore then I knew his family, psychologists, and psychiatrists probably had.  I was in his place once, insecure, unsure of what this new place would look like, shy, and uncomfortable.  He would doubtlessly get out of here before I could but he would life through the time he had and probably with no episodes. 

If only it had been that easy for me.

I crawled out of bed slowly and went over to the corner of the room where a curtain covered part of the wall.  I pulled it away to reveal a small window.  I had tried many months back to escape but of course there was a lock and even the glass was immune to punches and head-banging to keep everyone safe.

The sky was turning a light shade of blue and I put my fingers on the glass feeling the chill through it.  After a while of tireless attempts to escape Woodlands I eventually gave up though.  I realized this was the only place that would accept me and made me feel safe.  I couldn't be harmed here and as long as I took my meds, things couldn't be that bad...

But lately, things had gotten worse.  Even sometimes I do take my meds and still see things.  The pain I had been through with my family, my loved ones, friends, and myself.... I really hadn't wanted anyone to see me here.  

I reluctantly went over to the dresser and to my side of the drawers, where my clothes were still folded neatly the way the caretakers had made sure they remained daily.  It was too cold to wear my gown when I went outside as I normally would and slipped on sweat pants to go beneath.

I ran a hand through my still slightly damp hair and glanced at the twin bed I hadn't occupied.  I didn't really know what I was expecting but seeing Harry all curled in his bed still made me surprised.  I had roommates come and go, and I actually became close with one, a really sweet girl.  But the others came and went, just as I knew Harry would.

Which is why I figured it would be best not to talk to him. And probably stop oggling at him like I realized I was suddenly.  I shook my head then walked out of our room to the spacious hall.  It was too early for other patients to go on their walks or care takers to be bustling about which gave me the chance to walk alone in peace.

I hummed softly as I walked down to the lobby where I recognized Robert sitting at the front counter.  He didn't look up from his papers and I walked on, heading to the garden.  It wasn't necessarily a big one, but it had pretty flowers and a bench open to the sky where for a moment, I could pretend I was normal again.

As I plopped down the bench, looking up I thought about what I was like before.  I was a chipper young lad with a big mouth to match my attitude and I preferred to be in groups.  I was outgoing and loved to sing, dance, and act, pretty much anything to get a rise of my classmates and peers.

Only now could I realize it was all just a cover.  I used all of these materials to good use, because I was never bullied for my sexuality.  People could only label me as the clown of class and not a homosexual. 

In senior year I started falling for my straight best friend, which pretty much changed everything.  He said he liked me but in fact was only using my feelings as a punchline in his brilliant joke on the football team.  I was teased mercilessly till the end of the year and from then things got worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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