Clarification Chapter

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Hello, Karma here, this isn’t chapter 5 but that will come soon too. In any case, this chapter was made to clarify some ‘plot holes’ that appeared here and there.

For example, the glitch. I know we haven’t talked much about it until now but we are going to talk about it right now!

You might remember this from chapter 4: ““Grian, who is he?” asked Mumbo who was at his left, Scar being in front of him.

Grian didn’t answer. So Iskall was forced to demand him to answer. If he demands then he will need to answer because of the glitch.

“Grian, who is he.” The sweden man demanded.

“Sam” said the winged man trembling like crazy.”

As you can see, when Mumbo asked Grian didn’t answer but when Iskall demanded he answered and that is intentional. This paragraph was created by me with the exact intent to give you more details on how the glitch really works.

You see, it’s true that the glitch makes you tell the truth about your past if asked BUT that was also intentional! You see, when X was saying this, the glitch was activated when asked but, asked in a way that you would demand it. When asked you would normally finish in a manner that would seem questioning but when you ask in a demanding way you would finish more like a order. This was my mistake for not explaining it more carefully.

I hope this was of help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments at anytime!


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