Ch 3: The Bird And The Hare

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Some days have passed since the sighting. Grian cannot take his mind off of that incident. And Xisuma continued insisting for him to get therapy (I mean, even the writers and the whole fandom wants him to have at least one therapy session). So here he is, in stress base, on a sofa face to face to the said hermit, X beside him making sure he doesn't run (because yes, he did try).

Stress: Sooo... What exactly did you see?... Please be honest, love...

Grian was thinking hard, how to escape this situation. He couldn't tell them about his past or his hallucinogenic episodes but he also couldn't lie. Then, an idea struck his mind, he made himself belive that he saw a flying pig as he knew that he has said that he will do everything Mumbo said for a week if pigs started to fly.

Grian: You know, I just though that I had seen some kind of flying pig and I was a bit stunned because of a promise I made to Mumbo...

They should've belive it, I mean he himself belived it, but they didn't.

Stress: Uhu... she says sarcastically
Grian: uuuuuuh I have to walk my pesky bird BYE!(casually avoids therapy ✨)

Xisuma: Grian no excuses get back on the sofa!

Grian: Nope, BYE! *proceeds to slam the door*  

As Grian started to spam rockets to get to his base faster he noticed a slight purple tint in the atmosphere. (don't question it mk?)

He didn't acknowledge it at first but, as he got closer to his base, the purple tint started to get more and more noticeable. Then it clicked.

The only two things that can put a purple tint on such a large area can only be...

"No..." he said as he hurried to his base and broke through the door.

And, there they were, a white mask with the all to known broken portal symbol. But, that wasn't what was concerning at the moment. Right next to it, sat a blue jumper and a knife on top of it. A photo with a class and some ghosts. That photo was never meant to see the light of day again, just like the other things.

He quickly took and put them in a sulker box wich he put in a ender chest wich he enchanted and locked shut.(not enough protection, I dare say) Unaware of the rabbit in the doorway and the little fight that may happen more sooner than anticipated.

-Third person

The rabbit looked from the door as his little bird was in a hurry to get the gifts his owner gave to him in a dark enclosed void. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that he was standing right in his doorway. He was a bit hurt, really. His pet didn't even acknowledge him...

"Ahem... Taurtis~"


"Oh... Are you ignoring me now?... I'm hurt gree-on...~"

"No... No... You aren't real... You can't be... No..." Grian mumbled.

"Ohh~ I am not your imagination Gree-on~"

As soon as the rabbit finishes his sentence, a knife is flying towards him at full speed. The rabbit, unfortunately, escaped the knife's sweet stabbing. Then, he sends a little knife towards the bird too. Unfortunately, our bird is not as fast as the enemy so the knife cuts him a little on the side of the adobmen.

The traumatized bean knows that he still cannot fight and win against the rabbit so he quickly flaps his wings and goes through a window and towards the shopping district.

"Oh well... I guess a little chase of cat and mouse is about to start... Just like the old times Gree-on~" said the rabbit with a smile on his face.

Grian flew. He flew past Stress's and Iskall's bases, past the ocean that is separating him from the only place crowded enough with faces he knew for him to feel safe. He was going so fast that everything was just a blur. He couldn't stop no matter what. He needed to escape from this nightmare.

He was chased by his most horrific nightmare. And to say he was horrified would be an understatement.

In a matter of seconds, the shopping district came into vision. He could hear the buzzing of life coming from there. He was so close... He needed to go just a little more... Just one more flap of his wings and he could be safe... Safe... Hmp, what a joke. He can't be safe anywhere. Sam was on the server and was chasing him. He knew that the rabbit wouldn't stop until he got him... No... He needed to survive...

As he entered the district, he immediately put his flying skills in action. Going through holes and dodging knifes coming at him. At least he didn't have guns. Those would be a pain.

After a while he made a right to escape a knife but was met with another coming and hitting him in one of his wings. What was worst was the fact that the knife was so sharp that it got through the first one and stabbed his second one too. He would need to run from now on.

"God no!" he would have sworn, heck he should sworn! He's about to get killed! "Run you stupid bird! Run you stupid avian! Run you stupid admin! Run you stupid watcher! Run!" he screamed in his head.

He was so lost in thoughts and in running that he didn't hear the sounds of rockets or the worried people he was going to crash into soon.

Grian was so unaware of his surroundings that when he crashed into the five worried figures he was thinking that this was the end, he was gonna die. Until he heard the voice of his soulmate...

"Dove?! What is happening?!"
We are sorry for the late chapter! But you might get an update once a month on this book from now on. Let us know what you think of this chapter and vote! It will help us to post more faster if we see that the people are enjoying this.

Word count: 1028

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