"Taara, would you like some tea before leaving? I would have asked Sarisha but Vidyut seems to be in a hurry!" I asked,

"Taara?" Abhiraj raised a brow when Taara narrowed her eyes.
"Yes, because friends call each other by name!" She reminded him and he bite down his tongue.

"Sure, I would love that!" She said and started to walk inside, followed by Abhiraj who did not touch her but wasn't in distance exactly.

Daiwik already opened the door, and he offered them to be in the television room. Daiwik turned on lights as he led them, I instantly went inside the kitchen.

When I came towards the room, Taara seemed to be admiring the house, and the set-up.

"It must be nice living in a house rather than a place made of stones only said to be a house?" She asked me when I entered. I sat beside her, on my regular stool while she and Abhiraj sat on the main couch and Daiwik on the extra one.

"It's like, you can see her all the time! You just tilt your head and there she is in the kitchen, in the veranda, in the bedroom," Abhiraj said as he picked up the tea after Taara.

But he held her wrist, he sipped the tea first, and he waited for two-three menus before he left doesDrethinkingsinks I poisoned the tea? Like I will wait a whole day, and then poison her before his eyes? Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that?

I narrowed my eyes. I am not fond of him either. But Taara looks at him otherwise.

"So? How did you realize you fell in love?" She asked drinking her cold tea.

"Hmm...it just landed in my mind Sahiba. When you know you will put yourself in front of a bullet if ever someone shoots. You know you love that person!"

I was surprised at his answer. I thought he will say something that will leave me with goosebumps. That is him, that is what he does! But his answer today was different.

But then he continued, "You believe that waking a day where you don't see her face the first thing? Is a morning not worth waking up."

This...this is him.

This happened today, in the morning. When he thought I almost ran away.

He sipped, did he realise he loves me then?

I wanted to ask him. But I stopped myself, she smiled looking at her tea.

"We should get going!" Abhiraj said, but he saw Taara's disapproval and shunned himself.

"Zehra, are you liking my town?" Abhiraj asked suddenly. I blinked before I replied with a nod. "Yes, it's good. Everyone is sweet and adores me because I am Daiwik's wife!"

Taara smiled, "Lucky you! I am hated because I am Abhiraj's wife! That how did she land someone like Agnivanshi is crystal on their face."

"Nobody thinks that!" He instantly retorted, "And if they do, their brain needs to be six feet deep under the ground with their body!" He said overprotective towards her. She sneered, in response.

She finished her tea before she and he left, having brief conversations and Abhiraj tried asking me a lot of questions. Now that he knows I'm important to Taara he is trying to lurk me into his circle.

But his aura is something I will keep myself away from him. He has this huge round shell around him that seems like only ricochets me.

He left with a smile which was weird to see ever, I don't think he had one ever, only showed when he saw Taara.

And we were left alone. Daiwik is on call ordering food. I hide in the bathroom and came out wearing the most comfortable kurta I like wearing because of its thin texture and lightweight. I came to find him changed and on his laptop already.

I sat aside from him, "He said we can go as four? Like you, me and Sahiba and Babasaheb!" It was his first words when I entered and sat, he completely ignored the fact that he just said I love you to me in the morning.

And I was ready to believe that it was only a show so I don't feel left out, but his little description of love to Taara made me believe otherwise.

"So, we are going out next week." He clarified, being on the same website as yesterday re-booking the hotel room. He explained to me and I gave a sharp nod. But he did not shift his eyes once.

"About what you said this morning..."

He did not stop typing, "Did you buy things for yourself? I did not see bags in your hand, there was only one!" he said not looking up. But paying attention to cutting me off at the point where I can't regain my question.

"Yeah, a purse!" I said slowly, he gave a nod. I considered telling him to have his money back but I need it. So I tried to swallow my words back.

"Good!" he complimented. And turned on the television with the remote next to him. Still scrolling and working.

I sighed, "About what you said before you left-" I started and he finally stopped scrolling.

"You don't have to say it to me, not unless you mean it. Never unless you mean it. Because love is something tremendous, a commitment that comes with a lot of obligation itself. Burden to forgive for instance. And if you can forgive someone for something very wrong they might have perpetrated. Only then you say I love you," his words felt like direction a weird map to something he drew like a picture but did not set sell like a puzzle if I kept trying.

But I was left with an even enormous guilt.

Am I to take all the goodness he offers with nothing in return?

How hard and how much weight do these three letters must carry?

My life had been a dread, that I don't know deep meaningful words. All I know are cruel words.

Ruthless and merciless curses!

I stand up, and I went over the television and shut it off, as I stand there his eyes in mine in surprise,

“I love you too”


"I love you, too!" She said suddenly, her words felt empty as this room. Her eyes that dug deep into her soul were like an empty vase. Her words were spoken like a meaningless necessity. 

Her deform act crazed me. I have noticed her behaviour for two days. But this?

It was not just her little play. It was fucking ridicule and disdain for my real emotions.

Her meaningless words and her emotionless eyes were not a reflection of pain. It was a mockery.

"What?" I asked her again, shutting the laptop, smirking, laughing at my sentiments. I got on my foot.

"I love you," She said it again, and just as worthless. My hands turned into a tight clutch, my toe curlings while my breath started to hitch,

"You are making fun of my feelings, Zehra?" I asked her, giving her one last chance to describe whatever that was going on inside of her and she refused to share with me. "No, I love you!"

"Stop saying that!" I yelled so loud, she was shaken, fear hit her core and I hated to be the source. I shook my head, "No! No! No! I am sorry! I am so sorry! I yelled at you!" I immediately apologised walked up to her, and took her hands in mine.

"I am sorry!" again, as she blinked with our hands. "Don't say, something you don't mean. You are not indebted to lie to feel safe or if you need something from me. Okay? Do you ask? No, you take it! You take whatever you want! And never explain to me why you wanted it! Okay?" I told her myself honest words. And she blinked.


I yielded this time but not again!

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Taken As Reward (The war of politics and love BOOK 2 ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя