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*Rose placed herself in the far corner seat, making sure to not utter a word, as she felt embarrassed, 'already in detention..great' Rose thought to herself, flipping threw the pages of her book, a frown plastered on her face as she looked at the teacher, the teacher in the detention room seemed to be silent, only a few others also in detention*


*Bill laughed, as he watched Rose leave the classroom. 'What a shy girl..' Bill thought to himself, as he leaned back, a victory smirk on his face*

"Bill Kaulitz, you either pay attention to this class or you'll be the next to be sent to detention."

*The teacher stated firmly, as she looked at Bill, expecting him to answer, instead he rolled his eyes, although the teacher wasn't happy with that. When it came to Bill you either had to fight it or accept it. The boy was unmanageable*

(Time skip!)


*Rose stood up and walked out of detention, it was break time now, Although Rose wasn't really a fan of going outside for break, always wanted to sit in the library or talk to her old art teacher but this school was different. Their wasn't a nice art teacher*

*Rose sighed, as she opened the library door, her eye brow raising as their seemed to only be 4 people who all sat at separate tables*

"Are you Rose Smith.?"

*A teacher asked, Rose turned her attention to the teacher, smiling softly*

"Yeah, is this the library.?"

*'fuck what kind of question was that Rose?!' Rose thought to herself, as she felt like a deer in headlights, the teacher laughed slightly, before nodding her head*

"Yes this is a library, you can take the seat over their, have a look around if you wish"

*The teacher replied, as Rose begin to place her books in her seat*


"I wonder where that new girl is?"

*Tom said to Bill, looking at Bill's face, as Tom takes his lighter out tossing it at Bill*

"Probably hiding away in embarrassment after getting detention"

*Bill snickered, as he lights his cigarette behind the school bins, inhaling the toxic smoke into his lungs*

"Ooo detention on the first day..? That's rough"

*Tom said, as his face twists a bit in disgust, Bill smoked all the time but Tom never seemed to get used to it*

"Should've saw the look on her face.."

*Bill replied, as he takes another drag from the cigarette, it went silent for a few seconds, the only thing that could be heard was the crackle of the cigarette from when it was inhaled*

"Hurrg up man, we have class in 3 minutes"

*Tom begged, as he picked up his bag, tossing Bill's bag at him*


*Soon enough school was over, everyone got packed and taken their leave*

(I'll proceed with the other chapter later I'm to damn tired rn)

An Unstable Heartbeat -Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now