Rose Smith POV:

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*Rose brushed her hair behind her ears, as she hummed 'video games' by lana del rey, as She did her makeup, softly applying a reddish blush to her cheeks and the tip of her nose,  hands a bit shaken as she got ready for her first day at her new school in Germany*

"Morning mom"

*Rose said, as she gave her mom a kiss on the cheeks, helping her mom plate the pancakes for her siblings Katie and Elisa*

"Morning sweetie, ready for your first day?"

*Rose's mother asked, smiling softly towards Rose as she turned her attention back to the pancakes, flipping a pancakes which looks perfectly crisp and delicious, Rose felt her mouth water as pancakes had always been her favourite*

"As ready as I'll ever be mom.."

*Rose replied, trailing off her sentence, as she sat next to her dining room table, waiting for her mom to plate the pancakes before she had to leave for school*

*Rose sighed, as her mom had finally plated the delicious pancakes in front of her, without a second thought, Rose had dug into the pancakes, practically inhaling them as she ate so fast, Rose checked the time..7:50?!, Rose was stunned as she quickly grabbed her school bag and jacket*

"Sorry mom! Got to go or ill be late!"

*Rose shouted, before leaving the house and running towards her school*

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