Ch. 4: Will Curiosity Kills The Cat?

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School is over at 2 PM but I can't take the advanced German class and my drowsiness all at once. So I excused myself to go to the infirmary, saying that I don't feel well. A little lie doesn't hurt anyone and it doesn't count as it was only 30 minutes until school's over.

When I get to the infirmary, I was greeted by a man dressed with white lab coat, a nameplate on his chest is written 'dr. Reinhart'. He has chin-length blond hair and wore glasses that of Reiji's, framing his golden iris. I told him that I only need to rest a bit and he allowed it, saying that it's normal for new attendees to feel tired because the biological clock needs adjustment to the new schedule.

After some time sleeping in the infirmary, I woke up to dr. Reinhart's low humming which filled the small room. The sterile scent of disinfectant lingered in the air as my eyes adjusted to the blinding light at the ceiling. He was facing a computer but he seemed to notice that I have awaken.

"How's your body? Any discomfort?", he asked, lifting his gaze from the screen to meet mine. His golden eyes filled with curiosity.

"I feel fine, I guess."

"No checkups required then.", he said with a gentle smile drawn across his lips. "Right, I need to input data on who came here. Can you elaborate? First name, family name, and grade, please."

"Yuuka. Komori. 3rd grade."

"Komori Yuuka, yes? Are you perhaps related to miss Yui?", he curiously asked. His gaze lifted from the screen to making eye contact with me.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much I should reveal. "Ah, so you know her, doc? She's my sister."

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, "That's not what she told me, though. When she came here for the first time she said she's alone."

"Must be because her family members are not in Japan anymore. She used to live behind the church that our father own, but he got appointed to other country so she's currently entrusted to the Sakamakis. I just arrived here from England yesterday, to accompany her."

"So you live with them too?", he inquired futher, his curiousity piqued.

Someone barged in, leaving his question unanswered by me. It's Shu with my bag nonchalantly dangling on his right shoulder. "Yuuka. School's over. Time to head back."

Shu saying this is like an indirect yes to Reinhart's last question.

"Shu. It's great to see you moving. Helping your friend here, I see." dr. Reinhart's attention shifted to Shu, but the blond man received nothing more than a cold shoulder.

Shu left without uttering a word, and I hurriedly thanked the doctor before catching up with the tall blonde, grateful that he had brought my bag with him. He ignored it but keep carrying though.

We went through the forest once again. But this time, it was complete silence. The distant howling of a wolf echoed through the trees, adding an eerie atmosphere. The car picked up speed, as if to avoid encountering any wild animals lurking in the darkness.

Suddenly, a loud thud can be heard from the left part of the car, it was enough to make the car goes rolling to the other side. But the driver is super skilled because it felt like nothing's happening. Something had crashed itself to the car but the brothers just seemed unfazed. At least there's something they're the same of. Yui too, it's like this occurrence is a daily thing to them.

I couldn't help but question their indifference.

Perhaps sensing that I'm questioning this whole thing silently, Laito voice a low whisper by my right ear.

"It's one of the wolves, Miss Sweetheart. A super blind wolf, I bet, or the dumbest wolf ever.", he chuckled.

I just nod in acknowledgement but I didn't respond any further. The rest of the ride was, too, spent in silence.


After what felt like an eternity on the dark forest road, we finally arrived at the mansion. Before getting out last, I asked Yui if she wanted to a sleepover with me, hoping to get the sisterly bond we've lost since.

When we got out the car together, I looked around and the brothers are no longer with us. Not even one of them are with us. Yui seemed hesitant, her eyes darting around, but eventually, she agreed, mentioning that her room was on the opposite end of the mansion from mine.

Once we got inside, we parted ways from the stairs. Eagerly, I make a little run into my room, ready to freshen up and prepare some games I had bought before coming here. Perhaps a little tea party will also be appropriate.

Before stepping outside of my room, I froze. I realized something was amiss. The excitement faded momentarily. Earlier, I asked Reiji to teach me German. But then it occurred to me that I don't even know where his room is. I didn't even catch a glimpse of the brothers in or out of their room.

Well, whatever. I'll just search along the way.

Again—though now at this ungodly hour—I went down the hallway. It wasn't as scary as the first time, but its eerie atmosphere is still lingering. The dark hallway that was filled with gothic styled knickknacks adorning here and there are glistening like black obsidian under the dim light of the main hall's chandelier at the end of the corridor.

As I neared the main hall, a coarse voice abruptly halted my track. "You should leave. Get away as soon as you can."

I turned my head in surprise, finding Subaru, the white-haired man, leaning towards the window. His gaze was fixed on a distant view, his ruby eyes glinting with a hint of warning. His sudden presence sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was trying to convey.

"Huh?" I mumbled, my voice barely audible in the vastness of the hallway.

Subaru continued to peer outside, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "You'd be better off leaving before it's too late," he muttered, his words hanging in the air like a foreboding melody.

Confusion and curiosity battled within me, unsure of what to make of Subaru's cryptic warning. But one thing was certain—the Sakamaki mansion held secrets and dangers far deeper than I had anticipated.

"Yui refused. If you're any smarter than her, then you should heed my advice."

Taken aback by Subaru's unexpected words, I mustered up the courage to respond.

"Thank you for your warning, I—" I murmured, feeling a mixture of gratitude and unease.

However, before I could inquire further or express my confusion, Subaru fell silent once again, his gaze fixed on the distant crescent moon outside the window. It was as if he had deemed me unworthy of any more of his attention.

Feeling a sense of urgency and a lingering sense of curiosity, I took a couple of steps away, intending to continue my search for Reiji's room. But just as I thought Subaru had nothing more to say, his voice pierced through the silence once more, echoing with a haunting tone. "I've given Yui something lethal for us, should she fail to defend herself... you might want to use it."

His words hung in the air, leaving me dumbfounded and uncertain of what to make of them.

What did he mean by something lethal? "For us"? And why would I need it?

Before I could seek clarification or delve deeper into the matter, Subaru vanished into the darkness, leaving me standing there, puzzled and alone.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath, a tinge of frustration seeping into my voice. "I also missed my chance to ask him where Reiji's room is."

Realizing that I was no closer to finding the elusive room than before, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. It seemed that the mysteries within the mansion were not ready to reveal themselves just yet. Determined to continue my search, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

With uncertainty and a growing sense of foreboding, I resumed my exploration of the winding hallways, determined to uncover the secrets concealed within the Sakamaki mansion, even if it meant traversing its darkest corners.

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