Prologue: A Twist of Fate

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The gentle breeze that sweeps through the trees slowly fades away toward the dense forest. Not a smooth ride for sure as there was no roadway that can be seen from inside the car

Does Father Komori really send my sister this way? It's too secluded. The silence of this forest is too loud.

Looking back a few weeks ago, I was stubbornly upset that he did not disclose any information about her being left alone here. My one and only sister, even though adopted, is being left alone because he was appointed to take a case somewhere in Europe. Perhaps it's because she hasn't even turned into an adult yet. But isn't it normal here to live on their own in town?

'Far relative' my ass, my 15 years of living under his roof yet never even once meet any of his relatives. What type of bullshit to even say that they're related to the church? Why go as far as fabricating things for Yui? She could've been sent to me instead. I'm more than capable to take her in.

Because of this, I abruptly quit my acting career just so that I can take her back instead. It was quite a shock to the team, fortunately there were no job for the time being so they wouldn't have to find a replacement for me now. Well, CEO Seth did say that he will welcome me with both hands if I decided to get back in the industry. Guess that will have to wait for some time

The very reason I started to get a job was for her living nicely, not being thrown away to strangers. When will Yui learn to speak up for herself.

Raindrops that fell are making a rhythmic noise to the car's roof. I check my phone once in a while to avoid having wilder thoughts about my Father. The agency was now in full swing because there's a newcomer in branch agency that's located somewhere here. You could say that he is super stunning; some say that his heterochromia eyes are clear as the sky and red as roses, but others say that he clearly has blue eyes.

While on phone I come into thinking: Yui never contacted any of us since that day. She's the type to spill the beans if it's making her heart race. I know it's only been a month, but my guts tell me something is definitely off.

The car can be felt to be moving slower as it passes though a rusty gate and stopped near a fountain. Before me, there's a rather modest-kind mansion with beds of roses around the corners. The main building seems to be old but the garden seems to be very well maintained. As far as my eyes can see, the scenery there was as if perpetually kept to make a feeling of alluringly ethereal to those who view it.

Hmph, at least he has the decency to sent her to stay with this rich 'relative' of ours.

As I watch around my surrounding in rigid amazement from inside of the taxi, the driver took out all my suitcases and place them on drier area, then he opened the door to help me out.

"Miss, are you sure this is your right destination? Rumour has it that this is a haunted house," the old driver with already coarse voice reminded as he escorted me to the main door, shielding me with his umbrella.

"I suppose so. It's my far relative's house."

I have to curse myself for saying that. Hell, I'm not even sure if they're home.

"Very well, then. It's a far way to the city, miss. In this weather, I doubt it will be any faster than your travel here earlier."

After everything is settled, he bowed and immediately left.

I swiveled on my heels to see a tall double door that are tightly shut. Without hesitation, I raised my hand and knocked the main door twice which sound was echoing throughout the surrounding but dampened by the tickling of the rain. After waiting a few minutes, there's still no answer.

Thinking of another way that might help, I tried to call Yui. Pacing back and forth on the foyer, dialed her number.




The number you're calling is unavailable, please try again.


My plan B failed as it still says that the number is not active. While furrowing my eyebrows, I curse myself.

Great! It's already raining hard and to hire a transportation to go back to the city will have to take another 3 hours. Was it a bad decision that I came here unnoticed? Well, technically I can't ask my sister either way. Why the fuck her phone is inactive?!

While meddling in my own thoughts, the door creaked. Within a moment's notice, I regained my composure. The open door revealed a neatly dressed handsome man. His pale magenta iris is easily visible even behind his silver-framed glasses. Even though he can be mistaken as one of a high-class noble's servant at first glance, I get the feeling that he's not. Perhaps it's because he's way to sophisticated to be one.

At such sight, I choose my wording carefully.

"Good afternoon, sorry to bother you. Is it true that Komori Yui stays here?" I started inquiring him to the point of my interruption.

"And you are?" his voice is monotonous yet appealing. He gazed off as if I'm a lower being than him.

"Oh, I go by Komori Yuuka. I'm technically her older sister."

"Hmm.. interesting choice of word."

"So..? Does my sister stays with your family?"

"Please, come inside. We don't want you to be drenched in summer rain, do we?"

And by his words, I was invited to come inside. He didn't say the exact answer, though reading into this action should mean that Yui does live with them.

Heh, I'm not being kidnapped, right?

Anxiety starts to kick in as I look around my surroudings. The main hall are spacious, there are not many furnitures present, no expensive looking paintings too. The movies definitely lied. They're just coldly bland. At the centerpiece, there's a mute red carpeted stair leading upstairs.

"You can take off your coat and your suitcases will be taken to an appropriate room."

"An appropriate room?" I asked as I fold my coat.

"I presume you will be staying with us too, it is only usual for us to provide you with a room of your own."

"Oh, no no no. Thank you for the kind offer, but I was planning to take back my sister to live with me," I fidgeted my nails, I felt something here is odd.

"Look outside, miss. It's raining heavily. How are you planning to get to the city?", though polite, his wording is like a paper cuts.

"I—you're right... but you shouldn't be bothered to prepare another room. I can share a room with my sister. Once the rain is over, we'll bid you a farewell."

But the man declined, saying that it's their custom to give guest their very own room. Then an old looking butler tapped my shoulder. Signing to my suitcases. "Uh, yes. These are all my belongings. Please take care of it."

He took it with no other word and left as quietly as he came. I didn't even notice that he was present. It feels like his walking are as light as a feather.

Perhaps the young man noticed my uneasiness that he added:

"I insist, Miss. Well then, that has been covered. Now we shall go to the living room, for... introduction."

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