"Cordelia, my Queen."

She bows reverently.

"Well done, Cordelia."

Kaida keeps her praise simple, and the Oshunos girl raises her chin proudly.

Kaida could feel Cordelia was going to be a strong one. She would have a welcome place in the Queen's court.

Kaida refocuses, spotting some fins cutting through the water.

She peers intensely and sees a pod of black and white splotched killer whales navigating through the stormy waters.

They circled and swarmed and attacked all of the corpses who were left aimlessly bobbing around in the water.

They were ripped apart and decaying limbs were left floating in wreckage.

A few of Adrien's human soldiers had jumped off the ships and were swimming to shore, ever so desperately.

Kaida looks down at them with disdain.


Kaida points, not needing to say much more.

They are quickly herded up by the orcas, and their screams are drowned out.

They thrash and yelp, until the water around them is still. A blood red hue invades the surrounding blue.

A moment later, a large tail pops up from the water, arching from left to right. Sea water drips from it in massive rivulets.

A behemoth of a creature surfaces and exhales a spray of water from its blow hole.

Kaida is in awe. She had never seen a blue whale before, and she can only stare. It was so majestic and so imposing.

She had not even seen it lurking beneath the chaos she had brought.

The Vipers direct all the aquatic life they can reach, and with a shocking crash, the whale's tail breaks a remaining ship in half.

Splinters of deck fly up and the two halves of the ship begin to sink.

Kaida looks out at the shipwrecks, broken bits of wood and expensive ships lay blowed to bits, ebbing back and forth.

A slither of satisfaction washes over her. It was a small victory against Adrien, and she savours in it for a split second.

"Good work here. One Oshunos and one Viper can stay, keep an eye on the situation here. Try and round up or beach the debris and bodies so none of it washes out further into the ocean. The rest of you may return to the city."

They all nod. They feel accomplished. This was sure to be talked about after today.

The Beamos teleporter calmly had been watching the onslaught, far from the cliff's edge.

His cousin had followed Kaida to Ashgate and lost his life.

After that, he had doubted if Kaida was worthy of leading them, at all.

But in this moment, he understood. He understood why they had not abandoned her. And he would do as she commands, as was his duty.

Kaida turns to him.

"Take me to the Stilts."

There is one protest.

"My Queen. I am coming with you."

The reply is instant.

"No. I need you here or in the city. We cannot have the undead reach the Palace."

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