Sacrifice - M. SN

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Y/n and Sana were on their way home from their movie date, they were jamming to some songs while waiting for the green light. Sana looks over to her wife who smiled at her, the girl driving off the empty intersection when she saw a pair of bright light speeding towards them

"Y/n!!" Sana grips the wheel and turned, still ending up crashing and rolling down the highway, the impact being on her side causing the glass to fly right through her eyelids, damaging her eyes from the outside

"S-Sana... W-Wake up" Y/n murmurs, blood dripping from her head, her blurry vision caught a glimpse of a pair of burgundy boots and black jeans, the figure walked off and sped in their SUV leaving the girls in agony

Until Y/n smells something way too familiar, gasoline. Her adrenaline kicks in, kicking the undamaged door with all her might, unclicking Sana's belt and carefully dragged her away until they stumbled onto a safe distance... Before the car blew and fire had started almost burning the vehicle to ashes, Y/n grunting from the bright red fire before she collapsed in her wife's arms

Last thing she saw was flashing red and blue, her body being carried to the dark..

Few months later, Y/n woke up. She held up her head as she sat up lowly, the concussion hitting her but she seems fine at the rest of her. But she's worried, she looks around to see no one but her

"Fuck, where's my wife?" Y/n was about to get off when a door opens, to see her sister entering


"Jihyo! Oh my god, how long has it been?!" Jihyo hugs the latter, Y/n realized what's she's here for and looked around

"Where's my wife, unnie?"

"She's.. Recovering, but you wouldn't like the announcement.." Y/n tears up, she looks down on her hands that were filled with stitches. She wonders how but realizes how her hands were damaged by the glass window of her car, which made her furious and sad.

"Can I see her, at least? I've missed her"

"Sure, I'll just call the doctors to fix you up then we'll go" Y/n got herself checked up, she got discharged and at the same time Sana had woken up but she's filled with darkness, empty, lightless abyss

"Aaahhh!!! I-I can't see!"

"Sana, hey it's me!" Y/n took hold of her wife, Sana sobbed hard as she felt familiar arms embracing her which calmed her a bit

"H-Hon, I can't see... P-Please, let me see you"

"What's her status, doc?" Y/n asks quietly, the doctor checking on Sana's laboratory results and sighed deeply

"We manage to work on her eyes, but it'll take a long while to heal.. She'd have temporary blindness for the meantime, I'm sorry"

Y/n lets the doctor uncover Sana's eyes, the older opens to see nothing, complete darkness enveloping her brown eyes

"H-Honey, why can't I see?"

"Y-You have temporary blindness, my love.. But I assure you'll be fine soon, s-soon" Y/n frowns, giving her lover a kiss on the cheek before she's set to rest

Sana was brought home after a few hours, she sat near the window by their room staring onto nothingness whilst Y/n and Jihyo were preparing lunch

"Honey~ Time to eat~"

"L-Leave me alone, Y/n." She says with a hint of coldness in her voice, Y/n just went to her and sat beside her, feeding her slowly and surely to prevent her from choking

After the short meal, she's brought to the living room where the girls were. Sana had sat between Y/n and Jihyo, keeping her in company which annoyed Sana to the core


"I'll take care of her unnies, sorry for her"

"It's fine, Y/n-ah.. It hurts us to see her like this too" The girls bid their farewells and gave a worried glance on the squirrel, Jihyo stayed so she could look out for the two, she had her lover with her and they are now resting inside their room

"Come on, love.. Time for bath"

Sana couldn't resist, she also needed her wife's love but she doesn't want to be a burden. Y/n didn't leave her side, she guided her whenever she needs to. She and Jihyo made adjustments for the house, every sharp corner is either sponged or covered in anything softer than a pillow to prevent Sana from stumbling or bumping herself, the platformed floors have small steps and handle for Sana, had a small elevator beside the wall by the stair installed for easy access on both floors of their home

The next morning, Sana had the same routine.. Push her wife away everything that she could, yet Y/n stayed even if she felt tired. Y/n had been the same, caring and loving wife that she could. A lot of girls chased her, but she falls for Sana.. That girl she loved, she risked for, she'll love her no matter what she is, blind or not.. Sana's hers, nothing will change their love for each other

"My love, I'll be home late.. But Jihyo and Han will look over for you, hmm? Call me if you need anything"

"Y-Yeah, whatever" Y/n sighs, she went off for work yet she drowns herself in alcohol after her shift. Sana was just listening to music when her head starts throbbing in pain, right by her eyeballs. She whimpered, holding her face as the pain went on for a few minutes.

Y/n came home wobbling on her feet, Jihyo assisting her. She knew where she was because that's where her girlfriend works too

"Oh, Sana's here.."

"I'll carry her Jihyo, you go with Y/n" Han says softly, carrying the squirrel in her arms and marched to the couple's room, laying them down before they cleaned up and headed to bed

Y/n woke up a few minutes later, she saw her loving wife still asleep but her drunken thoughts got her to her nerves. She leans and placed kisses along the woman's chest which woke Sana up from the absurd smell of alcohol and her wife's perfume, and oh dear.. The sight she saw is shocking, she finally saw her.. Her loving wife, who looked paler than usual, her soft cheeks now gone, lips turning pale, eyes filled with dark bags and her hair messier than before

"O-Oh my god, honey.. What happened to you?"

"I-I miss my wife, I-I feel so guilty for b-blinding her.. I-I wanted to give my eyes for her, I-I love her so much" Y/n chokes out a sob, the tone of her voice broken as evidence of tiredness. Sana caressed her face, tracing her features made Y/n whimper and close her eyes at the contact

Sana hugs her lover, afraid to let go or lose the love of her life. She sit up once Y/n fell into deep slumber, getting some comfortable clothes to change her wife into and had a basin filled with water and a small towel to clean her up

Once Y/n is all freshened up, Sana decides to look around the house. The sight saddens her, all the padded sharp edges, the mini escalator by the stairs, every changes made her cry. This was probably the girls and her wife's idea, and all she did is push them away. Bur Sana is thankful, if not for them she wouldn't even bother living out of burden

The next morning, Y/n was gonna get up to go to work when she didn't feel her wife's presence. Worried, she rushed and stumbled downstairs just to hear faint humming and rummaging of utensils

She saw the familiar figure and the shirt she owned that fits her slim body perfectly, Sana turns with a smile. Y/n looks at her dumbfounded, soon tackling her from behind..

"Wifey? C-Can you see me??"

"I can see now, love... I'm sorry for worrying you, I-I feel like a burden to all of you-" Y/n kisses her, their tears flowing as they held each other close. They pull away for a moment, Y/n beaming a sweet smile as she glanced at her wife's eyes

"You were not a burden to us, you let us guide you.. I know how rough it is, but I'm glad we're all fine now" Sana couldn't help but sob, Y/n holding her tight and planted a soft kiss on each of her eyes

"I love you so much, Y/nn.. For the sacrifices you've done for me"

"I'll do everything for you, I love you more than you could imagine, love"


9 IncrediblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora