7 Rings - M. MN

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Y/n was invited by Mina to watch her solo performance at the studio, so she's already at the parking lot to visit her

"Love, I'm already here"

:Oh? Wait let me fetch you~

The blonde smiles, hanging up after a short, loving goodbye. She waits for the raven-haired girl for quite a while, then she hears a small "hello" from in front of her

"Hey, love"

"Y/nn, my love..I missed you" Mina tiptoes to give her lover a kiss, she wraps her arms around her to deepen until she felt the kiss intensifying so she lets go as Y/n had started grabbing her ass and lifted her up against the car door

"Later, but first.. Let's have dinner at the café, my treat this time~"

"Okay, okay.. I hope the song isn't too sexy, or you know just like what happened the last time I had a mature concept on our concert" Mina chuckles, immediately clinging her arm around her as they walked inside the building. Y/n decides to order herself some pasta then snacks to have later on, not knowing why Mina got herself some fruits and whipped cream but she's happy...or that's what she thinks Mina want

"So, how's your song cover going on? I wanna hear a bit of it~"

"It's going good actually, I have a raw record in my phone.. You can listen to it right now" Mina presses the play button, lifting the speaker by her ear to hear Y/n's husky tone as she sang the chorus of Snowman.. Luckily it was near Christmas when she starts recording, but something was missing

"It's missing something, but it's amazing though"

"Wanna sing it with me? Much better if we give ourselves a lot of time shooting, just us and I'll edit it out before performing at our concert next month" Mina blushes and nods happily, kissing Y/n on her cheek and listened to the audio more making her squeal and bite her lip

"Does my voice sound good? I had a sore throat that time.. So it's a bit rough" Y/n frowns

"Oh no, it's really amazing.. It's gentle despite having a deep, sexy tone of yours" Mina gave her a deep look, Y/n shifting in her seat and adjusted her jacket so her growing length couldn't be seen and she's suddenly feeling hot despite the cold weather and air conditioner blasting in the café

"T-Thanks! I thought it'll be worse than I tried earlier, I almost lost my voice from 10 takes" Mina smiles lovingly, she replays the record again and tried matching it with her soft tone and Y/n was amazed from how it really goes with the song

"Wow, I got myself a muse now"

"Yah~ I was just trying it out, but thank you" Mina shied away but the other saw the redness to her cheeks, Y/n's eyes dropped down to her outfit which she didn't quite notice. It was a cropped sleeveless top, flannel covering her slim waist and Burberry black joggers that Y/n bought for her birthday

"You do look...gorgeous right now"

"E-Eh? Why the sudden compliment? This is what I wear almost everyday?" Y/n chuckles lowly, her fingers tracing the soft skin of Mina's as if hinting something to do later on

"Wear anything or nothing, you're still gorgeous as your sleeping face in the morning" You whispered, slowly intertwining your fingers with hers. She bit her lip once again, a small whimper escaping and Y/n can see how her thighs close even tighter just from the stare she gave

"Let's finish up, and show me how your dance goes"

Mina finishes her fruits and iced coffee, grabbed Y/n by the hand and dashed up to the dance studio. They giggled as they chased each other on the way, waving at the younger idols who were bowing at them

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