Rewind - P. JH

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Y/n's eyes meet across the crowded club, and she feels a spark of attraction. She tries to avert her gaze, but her piercing eyes seem to be burning through the crowd. She realizes this powerful K-pop idol is heading straight towards her, realizing it was your ex

"Hey, Jihyo-ssi"

"Hello there, I couldn't help but be drawn to you." She smiles softly at you before leaning in close, her lips brushing over your ear giving you shivers

"Really? I know there are a lot of attractive Kpop Idols, I'm wondering why you decided to go for me?"

"Well, first off, you're cute! Secondly, I've always had a soft spot for pretty girls like yourself. But mostly because I saw something in you...I don't want to say anything else if you don't mind though~" Y/n thought it at first as Jihyo being too drunk, but she didn't even saw her drunkenness nor the scent of alcohol.. Or that's what she thought

"Why don't we get out of here and give ourselves time? you know how people can be when they spot two attractive idols together" Y/n bites her lip as she smiles, looking into her eyes despite the loud music

"That sounds wonderful! Let's head somewhere quieter then~"

And as they pass through the dancing crowd, they asked a passage through the roof which the bouncer agreed on, Y/n opens the door wide and breathed in the fresh air with Jihyo's hand in hers

"Finally! Fresh air!"

"Yeah, it feels great doesn't it?" The brown haired girl sits down on the railing and looks up at the night sky, taking in the moonlight and stars

"True, it's been a while since I've seen the sky" Y/n says, taking off of her jacket to wrap it on the older girl

"Oh thanks, you're so thoughtful"

"Welcome.. Anyways, how's the girls? How are you?" Y/n asks as she leans against the railing, facing the leader who sighed and beamed a soft gummy smile which Y/n fell for

"They're great as usual, Jeongyeon's back on track same with Mina.. The rest are doing well, a bit bruised but the tour is worth it.. Finally had the rest we deserved"

"That's great, mine's doing well.. Wendy unnie and I came back home from Canada" Jihyo nods and noticed the slight tan on the girl's skin despite the dark environment, she smiles and wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist

"I missed you, you know.. It's been, what? 4 years since we broke up"

"Shh, it's alright.. The past is done and there's nothing we can do about it" Y/n leans forward and engulfed her for a hug, letting the girl rest on her chest

"If there's another chance, if we could start again?

"Of course, I mean.. We learn from our mistakes now, yeah?" Jihyo nods, resting her palm at Y/n's chest faintly feeling her heartbeat.. She smiles as she heard and felt how the taller girl's heart beat erratically, slightly blushing at how Y/n left a soft kiss on the top of her head

"Wanna go home? It's getting a bit chilly out here"

"Y-Yeah, do you still live in the same house?" Y/n nods with a sad smile, bringing the girl down and out to the streets, opening her car for Jihyo before she hops to the other side

"You can rest during the ride, it's gonna be a long trip"

"A-Alright" Y/n lets the older sleep first, buckling her seatbelt and fixed the jacket she put on her so she could use it as a blanket

"There we go.." She mutters to herself before driving out, making sure the girl doesn't fall during the quiet ride

Y/n plays one of her favorite songs, and immediately she hears "알고 싶지 않아(Rewind)" played in the speakers faintly, her eyes welled with tears as Jihyo's voice filled the car

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