Bite Me - C. TZ

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⚠ G!p Tzuyu ⚠

It was a foggy morning, Y/n was jogging into the woods with her earphones on. She doesn't mind her trail, not even the blood-curdling screams of a woman just a few feet away; hidden within the thick bushes that Y/n has passed on

And as Y/n was stopping by an unusual stone path, the tall figure steps carefully; closing into her presence. Y/n's senses were on alert, immediately grabbing a butterfly knife to poke it onto someone's neck-

"Geez, it's just me.. No need to be too cautious, Y/nn" Ah, it's just Tzuyu.. The girl next door, part-time bodyguard and also Y/n's classmate. She beams a soft smile, dimples showing as she lowered the latter's knife and gave a small distance but not enough to let Y/n get dizzy to her alluring scent

"You do know it's very early and dangerous to jog in the woods? You knows what creeps hide in here nowadays, h-heck vampires might still exist!"

"Tzutzu, don't worry.. I can handle myself, and why are you out too? Isn't it still your bedtime?" The taller giggles and took hold of her hand, they walked away from the stone path and back to the park to avoid any disturbance to whoever was living by that area

"So, do you have any plans this weekend?" Y/n asks, her gaze fixed on Tzuyu and her's intertwined fingers. The latter smiled softly, grasping more of Y/n's hand as they walked back to their shared home

Tzuyu has been feeling differently around the girl's presence, she couldn't control herself when she's around so she distracts her own being.. Biting someone else

"So, Tzutzu! I was suggesting if we can have a sleepover at your place, my parents are away for a few months"

"S-Sure, why not? Your mom told me all the details so, we're good!" The latter smiles, her grip getting a bit warm on Y/n's palm. They both smiled to each other as they finally came back into Y/n's home, Tzuyu changing into her clothes whilst Y/n did hers. And the fact they went to change together was weird, especially for Tzuyu since she doesn't like these with someone

"Y/nn, we have to talk about something.. I-I may or may not have done something wrong"

"Eh? You wouldn't do such a thing, even if you did.. It's unintentional, r-right?" Y/n slightly backs away as they rested on the couch, Tzuyu gulps nervously as she tried to keep her gaze on Y/n as a sign of each other's trust..

"Chou Tzuyu, what the hell did you do?" Y/n says in a stern tone, eyes blank and glaring which scared the latter

"I-I... You know about the rumors about vampires?"

"And then?" Tzuyu points to the two dark dots on the side of her neck, Y/n finally notices the paleness of the girl, the reddish-brown orbs, the faint fangs and the sudden panic when Y/n's around

Finally it all made sense, it started when Tzuyu ate raw steak, or basically any raw meat she sees in the fridge.. Not to forget the tetra box that was labelled as "cranberry juice" yet the consistency was as red and thick as blood

"So, those dead people... W-Were all your doing?!"

"I-I was just being told to kill them, I-I didn't even want to do this in the first place..." The latter tears up, covering her face in her palms as the past killings were all done and instructed by her abusive parents. Tzuyu was an emotionless assassin way back before, not until she decides to leave that spot and become Y/n's bodyguard.. And all those who bother Y/n shall face punishment.

"This means... Y-You, you killed my ex too?!" Y/n yells

"H-He deserved it, J-Jungkook could have been alive if he didn't decide on raping you! Multiple times! " The fear in the boy's face was still apparent in Tzuyu's mind, she shakes her head and turned away accepting whatever Y/n's gonna say nor decide

She sniffles to herself, when she felt arms around her shoulders; caressing her in gentle touches. The Taiwanese looks up and Y/n kissed her cheek softly, the warmth staining her pale cheek. Tzuyu frowns and pulled her for a tight, loving embrace she rarely does

"Stop crying now, I've forgiven you.. Even if you looked different, I still love you.."

"Eh?" Tzuyu's mind went blank, frozen in Y/n's arms yet her gaze was upon her as if lured into a spell.. Y/n lifts her by the chin, faces close to one another with the latter going dizzy from how the other's scent drove her crazy

"Y/n, what are you saying?"

Y/n latches her lips in hers, shutting her off with a kiss. Tzuyu was shocked but she couldn't stop. It was as if Y/n was alluring her to do more, so much more. She kisses back, due to the lust and confusion she feels but she wasn't complaining as she had been dreaming to kiss Y/n so long

"Ngh, Tzu.."

"Let me take care of you, Y/n" The Taiwanese held the girl by the shoulders, pushing her down gently on the couch with lips still locked closely. Hands wander burning skin, ripping off pieces of clothes found and let them pile on the carpeted floor. Tzuyu's lips skimmed over Y/n's skin, marking her territory but not yet marking as a mate as she would rather wait a decade than forcing the brunette to do so

"P-Please, Tzu.. Make me yours" The low growl shook the girl, she suddenly notices the golden glow within Y/n's eyes, the loud, erratic heartbeat with adrenaline then the faint fangs she has

"Y-Y/n, are you okay?"

"Eh? What are you talking about, I feel... Alive" The girl purrs, her nails raking Tzuyu's chest drawing blood on her skin. The smirk on Y/n's face says it all, she wasn't human either

"Claim me as yours.. Daddy"

Another wave of adrenaline hits Tzuyu's system, feeling the knot tighten in her she pounces back into Y/n's arms grabbing her in a torrid kiss. Soon enough Tzuyu had her huge length aligned against the girl's slit, groaning as she lubed herself up with Y/n's juices and the sensation caused Y/n to moan loudly and bit the taller girl's shoulder leaving a burning mark

"G-Gahh!~ Fuck, what was that for?"

"Only way to claim you forever, Daddy" Y/n winks, her hand tracing the girl's flat stomach and down to the place she needs her the most. Giving slow strokes, Tzuyu was left a moaning mess, they made out for a while before Y/n was filled with the short haired girl's length

"F-Fuck, it hurts!"

"C-Calm down, it'll go away soon" Hips moved in languid circles, letting pleasure take over pain in Y/n's body. Finally, Tzuyu leans down onto her neck; gently taking in her natural pheromones before digging her sharp, piercing fangs onto Y/n's pulse point also sucking a bit of blood with a tint of venom spewing out from the tip of her fangs

"A-Ah, you taste magnificent, my love"

"Mhm~ Now we're even.." Both chuckled, their moans occupying the room as they made love through the afternoon. Lastly, the taller lets out a soft grunt as she finally released the tightening knot in her stomach and her semen flushed through Y/n's wound finally claiming her as her own

"Hmm~ Would it be bad if I ask you to marry me now?"

"Not really, I love the idea.." Y/n kisses her lips, smiling and caressing the girl's face as she was slowly falling asleep in Tzuyu's embrace

"Sleep well, my love.. I love you"

"I love you more" Their glowing orbs turned to human-like ones, their fangs retracting and their breathing normalizing. I guess it was mating season that's why they came up to this, but they're glad they did it

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