"Good evening..", a familiar voice breathed into her ear and she felt an arm slipping around her waist from behind, followed by the smell of a well-known eau de cologne.

She closed her eyes for a moment, then turned around and shot Lindsey a warm, happy smile, "Hey.."

"It's nice to see you.", he said and his fingers danced on her waist.

"It's nice to see you, too.", she squeezed his hand in response.

"Oh, wow! Somebody's not fighting today!", Chris laughed as she watched her bandmates intensely staring into each other's eyes.

If only she knew, Stevie thought to herself, she has no idea.

Reluctantly, she removed her eyes from Lindsey's glare and turned around to keep listening to Chris and Steve.

"I'll be back in a minute!", Lindsey whispered into her ear and squeezed lovingly her waist, then went to get himself a drink.

Stevie couldn't help but grin. They had agreed to not show off their affections in public but after two-and-a-half months of sharing a bed together, it got more and more difficult to draw a line between being lovers and band colleagues. Luckily, nobody questioned their weird manner anymore, labeling it as typical Lindsey-Stevie-behavior.

It didn't take long and Lindsey came back with a glass of whiskey in his hand and joined listening the conversation.

"Well, Lindsey did wonders to my demos!", Christine said agitatedly, "They were all raw and only me at the piano in the beginning.. And then he did his typical Lindsey-magic and it sounded beautifully! I have no idea how he does it but he always knows exactly what to do with my songs.."

Stevie watched Lindsey blushing and smirking in the corner of her eye. He loved getting compliments.

"Thanks Chris."

"No, I must thank you. This is going to be such a great record!"

Stevie couldn't help but roll her eyes in response, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Stevie, you really need to join us after Australia! We had so much fun!", Christine went on.

"Chris, please! We already talked like a million times about this..."

"And still, I don't get why you're hesitating.."

"Because I'm fucking tired! I'm not the one having a break for the past 16 years! I worked my ass off to be where I am now! I made records, I toured, I gave interviews, I did it all! And if it hadn't been for you coming back, I would have never agreed to another Fleetwood Mac tour! My hips, my knee and my toe are killing me! I cannot even bend down on stage to greet my fans anymore! I'm at my limit! I need a break for God's sake! And if I say I'm in, I know for sure that there is no way for me to back off of this again. That's why!"

And suddenly everybody around her was very quiet. She had not even noticed how loud she had been and now everybody in the room was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Oh, screw it!", she yelled, turned around and ran to the door, feeling so stupid for losing control in front of the whole crew.

"Wow..", Chris said, "Her nerves are pretty raw lately.."

"Oh, shut up, Chris!", Lindsey exclaimed angrily and went after Stevie out of Mick's suite.

"Where are you going, mate?", Mick asked confused.

"Looking for Stevie!"


"Ask Chris!"

Lindsey ran down the corridor but Stevie wasn't there, so he went downstairs to look for her in her suite and knocked at her door.

Dear LindseyWhere stories live. Discover now