Part 11

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It was the next day when Karen came knocking at Stevie's door to take her to the airport, so they could fly to Amsterdam where their next show was going to be.

Stevie and Lindsey hadn't seen or talked to each other since their night they had spent together and she had no idea if it was going to be awkward seeing him again.

It didn't take long and they entered the airport, security guiding them their way. Stevie and her assistant had taken their own car and she hadn't seen any of the other band members yet either, since their last performance on stage.

Quickly, they got on the plane and Stevie saw Christine sitting with Lori and Sharon in the back of the plane, so she made her way to them, hoping to distract herself from thinking about her and Lindsey which she had been doing for the past 24 hours.

"Stevie! Hey!", Lori exclaimed happily and got up to hug her friend, "Where have you been? We went shopping yesterday! You've been missed."

"Sorry ladies, I was.. Well, I wasn't doing very well.."

"Oh. What was wrong?", Sharon asked worriedly.

"Oh, nothing special. My hips were bothering me again..", Stevie said and she wasn't even lying. After having sex with Lindsey for hours, her hips had been hurting pretty badly, actually they still did.

"You should quit wearing those heels, my love! We're getting old!", Christine joked and patted Stevie's shoulder.

"Mmmmm..", Stevie muttered with a chuckle, knowing far too well that this time it had nothing to do with her wearing high heels on stage.

They chatted for awhile, laughing and joking, and Stevie was once again happy to have her three best friends with her at all times. She loved her girls. Chris, Lori and Sharon were so precious to her, she's been knowing all of them for ages. And still, no way she'd tell them about her and Lindsey. She knew what they would say. That this had been a mistake, that in the end she'd be the one with a broken heart, that they were too old for those kind of games, blah blah blah. And most likely, they'd be even right with this opinion and still, she felt no need to hear them saying it, so she kept her mouth shut and listened to Lori telling them about her daughter Jessi studying Early Childhood Education in Santa Monica.

"Hey Lindsey!", Chris shouted suddenly and waved her hand.

Stevie froze for a moment in her seat, then turned around and saw Lindsey getting on board, making his way in the back of the plane.

"Hey Chris!", he smiled and ran his hand through his curly hair, "Stevie..", he nodded in her direction.

He's nervous, she thought, studying his body language. She kind of enjoyed that.

"Hi Linds. How are you doing?", she smiled at him.

"Pretty good. You?", he played nonchalantly.

"Well, my hips have been bothering me since yesterday.. The night before was pretty hard on them, I guess..", she smirked.

He swallowed hard. What the hell was she doing? Saying those kind of things for everybody to hear. Did she want to get caught?! He thought they had agreed on keeping it discreet.

"Ummmm.. Might have something to do with you wearing those high platform boots all the time..", he retorted.

"I rest my case!", Chris said and sipped at her water.

"Oh... Maaaaybeeee.. ", Stevie grinned and winked at him.

"Can I speak to you for a minute, Stevie?", he asked suddenly and held out his hand for her to take.

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