The beginning of a Astatre

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Jaune's pov

I stood over the dead white fang members who just tried to kill me. I don't understand what just happened. I was so fast, and I didn't mean to KILL  them like that or even KILL them in the FIRST PLACE. I wanted to talk and just avoid fighting for one moment. What even made them want to kill me? Was it those people that are up there watching me behind that glass window up there? Did those "people" up there offer freedom to those people that I just fought?  No wonder why they were so desperate to kill me.  I would probably have done the same thing if I had gotten that chance.
However, what would I actually have done in their situation? Would  I have  done the same thing as they did?

My inner subconscious, my inner voice inside my head, started to talk some sense into me again.

Inner subconscious: Why are you thinking so much about people who wanted to kill us?


Inner subconscious: Really, you wanted to "talk" out of a fight from people who wanted to kill us for their potential "freedom?"

I mean, yeah, but we could've tal-

Inner subconscious: What? Seriously, that was the thing that you were expecting them to really do? Don't you get it? We're not in beacon anymore, and we're not in the "INSIDE." We are right now in this hellhole that is managed by a psycho! We don't have the option to spare people anymore. We can't even escape or save anyone here. 

We can escape, and once we do escape, then we can get hel-

Inner subconscious: Don't you get it? We are NOT NORMAL. We got turned into a muscular monster that just KILLED 4 people who are SKILLED with aura within SECONDS. Even if we could "escape," who is going to help us, huh? Did you think about that? HELL, we don't even have anything, not even our ID anymore.

IT HAS COME DOWN TO US OR THEM! We can't rely on anyone except maybe the other 17, however, even then. We don't even know if they are going to work with us or if they are even mentally okay in the first place.

I continued to agrue with my inner subconscious until a loud screech blared from one of the speakers in the room.

???: Subject#191, please proceed through the door that will open in 10 seconds. There is no need to be scared. We will not be testing you further today. Rather, it is time to meet the other 17. It is time to meet your "kindred."""

A square door of yellow light just appeared out of nowhere in front of me, I reflexively dashed back before walking closer to it in curiosity. How did they manage to do that? What is this thing?

???: Subject#191, I understand that you are fascinated by the "door," but please step through it to save everyone's time. Especially the other 17 waiting for just you.

I looked up where those "people" were and nodded my head before stepping through the door." I got myself ready on whatever was on the other side of the door." When I stepped through the door, I walked into a room that would be in a mental hospital. I looked around to see the glowing white floors and walls stained with blood, but I didn't mind it at this point. I focused on the people in front of me. They were all sitting down around the room in a circle. They were all facing each other until I walked to them. I counted all 17 of them, and 9 were faunus, and 8 were human, including me. I could care less about who is faunus or human, I saw their face full of signs of exhaustion, and the hope was fading and dimming the light in their eyes. I sat down with them as they looked at me. It was a few minutes of mutual silence to just mentally process what we just did and all the things that we through. After a few minutes, there was a big bison faunus with tan skin and green eyes to my left side. He was the first to turn and talk to me. 

Faunus 1: So you had to fight and "win" like all of us here did?

Yeah, I did. So what is your name.

Faunus 1: Yakom, what is yours?

My name is Jaune. So where do you come from?

Yokam: I um come from the southern plains of vale.

I come from Beacon City, I was taken from the "Inside."

Yakom: Your life must've been hard up to this point.

Yes, it was. Can I ask, how did you get here? What is your story?

Yakom sighed and recited his story.

Yakom: There is no point in lying here, I am glad that someone can hear and listen to my story. If even one of us can live to make out of here. Maybe they tell our stories to others.
I was a member of the proud tribes that lived roaming the southern plains of vale. I was once a proud warrior who rode on horseback, protecting my people from the horrific Phorusrhacidae. Two leg terrifying fligthless bird grimm , they could run faster than a person trained with aura. They have a giant beak and talons that could rip and tear through you like a knife through meat. I was not the best. I was looked down by my tribe because I was abandoned by my parents and I was never one of the best warriors but I tried my best and my hardest efforts to protect the tribe that I was part of. Sadly, my efforts were not returned with kindness but rather spiteful disdain. One day, I was betrayed by warriors of my tribe that especially hated me. They shot arrows at my back and left me to die to be eaten by the Phorusrhacidae. I survived thanks to the people who brought me to this place. So what is your story, Jaune?

I took a minute to sympathize with what Yakom has gone through and I told him my story of how I cheated my way to Beacon hunter academy because I wanted to be a hunter despite my family not wanting me to. I told him somewhat my relationships with team rwby and my former team, jnper. I told him how I was bullied and how I was abandoned when the academy found out. How I ended up in the "inside," how I got captured, and how I ended up here.

The bison faunus looked at me and also nodded in sympathy.

Yakom: The journey here must have been very difficult. I am sorry that I had to hear you experience that.

I feel bad that your tribe did that to you despite everything that you did.

He and I exchanged nods of acknowledgment, and then Yakom extended his hand for a handshake, which I gave him a handshake.

The others seeing me and yakom talk to one another started to talk to each other. The room that was quiet was getting filled with chatter as people introduced themselves and told each other their stories. I learned everyone names here, there was Yakom, Dalon, Kenshi, Lendanros, Astroroth, Neko, and finally, Nemo. Although we were different people from different places, we are all people who are disgraced and broken with nowhere to go back or no way to be redeemed. When we were done telling stories. It was a good time where we were talking about when we were on the island but it was sad to remeber all of the people that we were so connected to just be gone and disappear from our lives because they die during the "process" just like that.

???: Alright boys, you had your time to know each other, you will have more time to spend with each other in the future. That is, of course, if you're going to be still alive. Now the "door" will appear in front of you all again, and proceed through to meet your training instructor.

We all look at each other, confused. There is someone here that can "train" us? Who is it, and how are they going to train us? What are they going to teach?

The yellow bright "door" appeared in front of us again, and one by one, we stepped through the door. I don't know what to expect this time but I and my new friends knew this ain't going to be good.

Jaune arc The Human's ShadowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant