Personal file of operation PICK UP

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Opol pov

My real name is Denis boria, I was a girl that was raised from the vast farmlands of vale. I am a agent, a solider. Actually nevermind scartch that. I am a more of a grunt of whoeever is directing this project at this point. There are mutiple divisions throughout atlas's army and I am in the one of the divisions where all the rejects go. Our division's directive or objective was just to capture some "kids" "they" dropped to capture a island and we were sent on there to take those "kids" back. We didn't think they were these savages but just scared huntsman wannabe kids! Before this shit show happened, everything seemed fine.

A hour eariler
I woke from my bed and I dressed up in my uniform and I walked to the landing bay. Our division leader called us for a mission and I joined the chattering crowd. Finally some action to take me off this rock that our "base" of a faculity!

I felt somone tapping my shoulder, I turned around to see a brown hair cat faunus with freckles and green eyes. It was my best friend Charelz Krarlz, the only friend I could ever depend on this rock.

Charlez: Hey BESTIE what up~

Hey wassups gurl, so I heard the captain got us here to debrief on our upcoming mission.

Charlez: Finally some action! I been dying of boredom! So what is the mission this time! Taking hostages from the whitefang and ransoming them? Messing with the vale underworld to make their "mafias" fight each other again?

Nah it's capturing again~

Charelz: Oh cmon don't hype me up just to down play me like that! Lemme guess it's those damn kids isn't it? The ones we caught and brought over from the "INSIDE?"

Yeah those ones, apparently the director had a weird bright idea to drop them on a island to do some kind of "trial."

Charelz: Damn, that clusterfluck of a island?

Yeah apparently, they somehow didn't just survived but conqerored it.

Charelz: NAH Nah, you got to be messing with my head on that. I call bullshit on that one, I think the director only said that because he wants us to pretend that his "project" is working.

We both started to chuckle and quietly laughed at what we said. Until our captain of the divison started to speak up and the rowdy began to lining up in formation and saluting while quieting down.

Division captain: At ease, ladies and gentlemen, we got a new mission. We got to recapture the "pacripitants" that we let loose on the island. Now command has told us that they somehow conquer the island. We sent a couple squads eariler but lost contact with them. So be advised, approch with caution. Our Intel shows us that they are camping on the beach. We will be heading there within a 1 hour so gear up! Dismiss!

We all went to our locker with our gear. Our gear isn't really new tech, more of a fusion of research and whatever technology was scraped from the great war. Sure it wasn't reliable some times but when it is, it works great! I opened my locker to see some kind of ghillie suit and a some kind of rifle? Instead of the coating being grass, it was made out of seaweed? I put the seaweed ghillie suit and night vision goggles on and checked out the rifle. The rifle had a square barrel with a iron sight. I checked the magazine of the rifle to find some kind of square bullets filled with electric dust, taser rounds. I put the magazine back into the rifle.

I headed back to the landing bay and I joined in line. We were getting on the boats and we started going to the island. We all turned our night googles and the safety on our rifles off. It was still the early morning, the dark sky was glittered with the stars. Once we landed, we quickly move in squads of four across the beach. We found where they were camping. They had wooden walls surrounding their camp but no one is on the walls? We approched the walls and moved around them to find the entrance, there was no guards? Not even people patrolling the camp. We all looked around in confusion, then our divison captain did some hand signals to follow him inside the camp through a wooden gate that was open. We gone through the opened gate to see huts and tents but no lights. It was so dark that the only way that we can see is through our night goggles. Our divison captain did some hand signals again to spread out and move out.

I moved out with other people, we went through the maze of huts and tents until we paused to see a entire squad dead soliders. They were all impaled through the chest with spears and their bodies were nailed to the hut's walls. The people who died laying on the sands had kind of wooden bolts, I looked at the body and I notcied that there was a lot of red sand under their bodies. What penerated their armor that we were given? I looked over to some of the bodies on the huts. I was about to step forward to confirm something but I was stopped by a fellow solider. Gecko. I used my radio to talk to Gecko and she did the same.

Why did you stop me? I was about to check the bodies and their dog tags!

Gecko: I stopped you because do YOU NOT see their bodies are next to BOOTY TRAPS!

I looked over to what what booty traps is she talking about? I looked over to where she pointed and I saw some kind of thin rope that acted as a trip wire. It was attached to some kind of tube that had a giant bolt with arrow tips with giant spikes on them. What is this? I used my radio to report the KIAS in front of us.

Portis: No way, It can't be. They made their arrow tips like this?

Hawk: You see this kinda thing before?

Portis: Yeah back into my home in Vacuo savanahs. We used these type of arrow heads to defend ourselves, whatever got shot by this and of course is gonna to try to pull the arrow out. Then the spikes on the arrow head will rip the skin and musucles as they pull it out, causing more bleeding and the target dies bleeding to death. I am guessing that's all these people in front of us died. Look what they covered some of these arrows are not only covered in posion but shit and piss too. They knew if they caught us and wound got infected. We would've died before we go back to the base.

What was that?

Portis: Ayo where did Hawk go?

Gecko: OH SHI- Opal go check it out!

I go into the hut where I heard the screaming. I walked in the hut to see hawk's dead body. He was dead, his shoulders and head got split in half. I ran out again back to Gecko. I walked out of the hut and I noticed several more dead, their bodies laying next to the huts with blood still ebbing down their necks.

Gecko: Who died?

Hawk, he got his head and neck split. I think I saw several other people of our divison KIA.

Portis walked over to a crate and kicked it over in anger.

Portis: DAMMIT! This was suppose to be a simple PICK up operation! I thought we fighting againist scared huntsman wannabe be kids who we are gonna turn into super soliders.

Gecko: I don't know why command wants us to kill them at this rate? 


We all turned around with our guns pointed where the sound came from.

Gecko: Split up, if they start to run and you can't get a clear shot then do not chase! I seen these guys ambushing way too many times tonight!

We all nodded and I slowly walked forward, checking every corner of this maze. I looked over and over to see nothing. I looked to breathe then I see a shadow on the sand under the light of the moon. A figure of somone holding.... a axe? Oh shi- 



I looked behind me to see a young kid that got shot. His body was spamming over the sand.

Gecko: Yo Opal you good!

I am fine, you just saved my ASS!

Portis: I am back! What happened!

We caught one of the remaining stragglers I guess?

Gecko: He is the same age as my younger brother. What did he go through to kill Hawk like a animal?

Portis: I don't know but let's get him back to the boats with the others.


File ends

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