Trying to find a safe place

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Jaune pov
I started to wander down the hill from the edge of the cliff to see where to build. I carefully navigated through the jungle, I was on high alert to the point that I would flinch at the slightest sound.  I eventually got to some kind of river and I saw fish so I thought it would be a nice place to live at. I saw a humaniod figure in the distance? No way! It's a fellow survivor and he was fishing at the river and trying to get some fish. I was about to walk out of the tree line and say hi to him. I saw something sprang out of the river and dragged him into, leaving only his basket of fish next to the river. I saw the part of the river where he was dragged in turning red. 

OK maybe rivers is not a good spot, there could be a better spot then this.

Straight 4 weeks later
What is this place! Every time I think a place is safe just because I see a person living there then they DIED by a GRIMM! Seriously, I don't know where is safe! At the cliffs and the plains, big bird type grimm if they notice you, will snatch you up with their sharp talons to the air and swarm to you then rip you apart with their beaks. The jungle and rivers..... it is a huge nope! Not going to live in or next to those places. I am not gonna live in a place with not only grimm but giant insects in the jungle and which almost every plant is poisonous, nowhere feels safe!

I went to the beach again to hear screaming in the distance, I looked over to see a group of 7 people  fighting off 1 massive grimm. I rushed over to help them, I used my wooden  spear to stab through the grimm's necks, 2 of the group climbed on it's back and began to stab it with sharp rocks. 3 of the group went for it's knees and ankles making the grimm fall over to the ground. The finally 2 of the group went for the eyes with wooden spears and stab it through the eyes finally killing it. The giant grimm pummel to the ground dead. We all looked at each other then looked around us if more grimm are coming to us. There wasn't any so we all relaxed and sat down on the sand, just tired.

One of the group held his hand out to me so I could shake it. Then everyone in that group shook my hand and told each other our names. There were two blue  fox faunus twins named Jali and Karibi. A giant white wolf faunus named Sabi.  There was two skinny bald kids named Oki and Boki. Kasien had black hair but a lot of scars on him. There was Hector, platinum colored hair, pink pupils and green eye lids.  After we introduced ourselves, we started to question each other on what is the other parts of the island like. For example, I told them about the jungle and the plains and how dangerous that place is. They would tell me that going to the ice caps or the areas of the volcanos is basically a death sentence because of a lot of grimm like to roam around those places.

I traveled the island with the group, we met more groups just like us and we merged. Some merges were peaceful but just some were um.... ended violently and competely erdicated. We headcounted people from every group and found out that only about only 64 were alive.  We all decided to make a place at the beach.   We dicussed about how we needed not just weapons but stone tools and not these clubs and worn down wooden spears that can break any time when fighting againist the grimm. Another problem was about
how to make the place secure, and other stuff like food and water, etc.

We started to prepare for the attack on the beach. Since all of us were from the "INSIDE", we found "creative  ways" to scrap wood and rocks and turn them into long pikes, axes and hammers.  We managed to craft some bows that we looted from spider nests. We started to dip the tips of our arrows and pikes into poop and other "posions." It might be disgusting but if the grimm got scratched by this, their wounds will be infected and they die. 

After we made our weapons, we started to make plans on where to attack the grimm from. We all did a meeting on what strategy to attack the grimm from the hills near the beach, we will bait the grimm to the hills with our archers then use the long pikes to stab them. It took about a entire 3 months to training and getting people used to the strategy for the raid since most of us were huntsman. We were ready for the attack.

Tomorrow will begin the raid on the beach, tommorow we will kill every single grimm there. Tommorow our fight for our survival begins. 

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